For the first time in about 20 years I watched no college football.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football For the first time in about 20 years I watched no college football.

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    • #231644

      I didn’t watch one game yesterday. I watched part of two hockey games.

      I can’t remember the last time I didn’t watch college football on a Saturday when it was on. I’ve missed a few Saturdays when my daughters got married, or I had other vacation related events. But I’ve just lost interest in college football. I think the game has passed me by. Maybe I’ll retire after this year. It just feels so odd. In college I turned on college football at 10 a.m. and would watch games throughout the day until the last Pac12/MWC game was over. No draw, and it isn’t just because Utah is doing so poorly. Less regional games, maybe it is the Rising effect. I just can’t get behind kids pulling in millions of dollars to “represent” their schools, and then turning out to not even be a factor.

      UNLV QB, Rising, IW, it’s all soured me on the game I once loved. I lost interest in college basketball a few seasons ago, again in college I would watch March Madness all day Thursday, Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday that first weekend. I haven’t done that in probably 10 years.

      Am I the only one?

    • #231646
      Tony (admin)

      I’m trying to be “interested” in the TexasTech’s and UCF’s of the league. It’s…. hard. That’s harder for me than the portal/nil stuff.

      • #231693

        I’m trying to be “interested” in the TexasTech’s and UCF’s of the league. It’s…. hard. That’s harder for me than the portal/nil stuff.

        I cannot click enough “thumbs up” on this one. In the PAC12 it seemed that just about every single game was exciting and was against a team you cared about. In the BIG12 it just does not feel the same. Yes… loosing has not helped… but beating teams I have no passion for or against wouldn’t feel the same either. I get that BYU fans are all about the BIG12… I am just not feeling it.

    • #231650

      Both my teams had byes, but watched #3 v #4 and an 8th grade superbowl. I still am interested in the higher ranked v ranked and Utah and Texas games. But I was similar, used to watch 3-4 games a week and flipped to others on different channels to look in. Heck, last year, I had a 2nd tv set up next to my big one to watch 2 games at once.

      Bball is maybe, maybe conference tourneys, then maybe catch some of the tourney, but often am out of town for 1st week.

      Never have gotten into hockey and baseball used to be playoffs only, but now I can’t name more than 10 players.

      1st got married, and the wifey couldn’t believe how much sports I watch, but definitely going way down.

    • #231652

      You’re definitely not alone! The air was being sucked out of the balloon of college football even before we started playing horribly. I literally watch football from that first game at 10 am to the final play of the 8:30 pm game. My wife has come to accept and understand me. Yesterday, I told her we could go for a drive and then grab some dinner. She looked at me like I was crazy. I’ve tried to watch some BXII games, but I’m just not interested. I watched the Ducks play Michigan for a while, though. I’m grasping at reasons to stay interested, and the performance of our Utes isn’t helping. Sorry for the whining.

    • #231653
      4 4

      You guys need to wake up and get on board the Big XII train. You are having a s**tty season and it sucks for now but all of this can turn around quickly. Look at my Zoobs as a good example of that.

      I still will be shocked if we beat you at RES since it’s been so long. College football is the best sport. I didn’t watch even one minute of the NFL today.

      Keep your heads up guys.

      • #231665

        🙏 you zoob. Lots of frustration and emotions right now in Ute land. We will be back though no doubt. Just gotta trudge through this temporary bog of eternal stench.

      • #231678
        Jim Vanderhoof

        Thanks for the words of encouragement Matt. You have plenty to be excited about being in the BigXII. BYU has been so irrelevant for so long they are being underrated each week. (nice for my bank account betting on them every week)

        We embraced the Pac12 the same as you are embracing the BigXII. So maybe it will take a while to come on board 100%. I find it hilarious how cougar fans have bad mouthed the Pac12 and Utah footballs success for 12 years and now the Big12 ( without Texas and Ok.) is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Saturday will be an interesting game.

    • #231663

      The next step of ruining college football. Fantasy College Football!

      Tony maybe you should make your billions starting the FCF league. That way you can use the money for NIL to save Utes sports.

    • #231667

      I watched uga v uf. Thats it. Was like the op – watched cfb from morning to last game. The biggest factor for me is utah being lousy, followed by having zero interest in the big 12, then nil. Wife had same reaction when she saw i wasnt watching anything this weekend.

    • #231668

      Two Rose Bowls, with key players opting out, did it for me. Opting out of the Rose Bowl? Really? Where are the Ute, NFL standouts, that explain turning your back on your teammates. No excuses, no respect of the game, no respect period.

    • #231671
      Jim Vanderhoof

      I started betting 20.00 per game in college and NFL. I pick a couple games each week and it gives me a rooting interest in the games. Plus fantasy football leagues.

      I never missed a Jazz game or Ute BB game from the seventies on until a couple years ago. I can’t stand the new style of play. The athleticism has gone off the chart and it’s trending toward 5- 6’8 – 7’0 + players that can play all 5 positions.

      • #231675

        So you’re saying you no longer like basketball because it’s gotten too good? I guess I get that – that’s why I don’t like the NFL.

      • #231679

        Here, I lost interest in bball because it was 3 or dunk/drive to the basket and get a foul call. Only a few teams have a ‘system’ or motion. Positionless basketball and spacing are not as quite interesting to me as other styles before.

        • #231684

          I lost interest in the NBA when players started sitting out to demand a trade. IDK how you can be passionate about a team when those types of things are going on. Sadly, we are already seeing it in college sports as well.

          • #231694

            Or sit out because it’s the 2nd game of a back-to-back. Oh, poor baby. Case load mgmt, my …

          • #231723

            You just gave me an interesting idea for a sports league business model (doesn’t matter which sport): Require every player on the team to be from that city or state.

            The truth is, 99% of pro athletes on a team couldn’t give two craps about the city/state they play in. They might say nice things in the press, but it’s all just player speak. They’re only where they are because they were drafted or traded there.

            While we’re talking about it, it’s like this for 90% of college athletes too. They have no feelings about the school they play for. All those players we said “he’s a true Utah man” about? They aren’t. As a parent of one former and one current college athlete, I promise you that the vast majority of athletes are only at that school for some reason of convenience and they would transfer in a heartbeat if that reason changed.

    • #231680

      Yea. But lets be honest. If Utah was in BYU’s spot today, you would’ve watched all day.

    • #231688

      Might take a couple seasons to become more interested in the B12. Still have a P12 hangover, finding more interest in watching USC vs UW than KSU vs Houston. It was so much easier and cheaper from where I live to go see Utah games on the West Coast. Nothing against, Stillwater, Waco, Fort Worth, all the other beautiful locations in the B12.

      These next four weeks, starting Saturday, could be defining times for Utah football moving forward. Next years QB is very likely not even on the team right now.

      Always a fan of my Utes. That said, for many years, watching college BB in general has become too painful to watch, especially other than a couple players, I have no idea who’s on the team. Do enjoy gymnastics and Woman’s BB at the moment. Go Utes!

      • #231690

        which I guess can be the good and bad about college football now. We could easily go out and get a good QB in the transfer portal with Cam’s NIL money. Whats troubling is that Whitt said its up to Cam if he wants to come back.

      • #231695

        Before we were in the PAC, I even watched those games more than the Big 12. I went to grad school at a Big 12 school and still only watched other games occasionally and still watched more PAC games and ranked vs ranked B1G, SEC, ACC (less so, but sometimes). Maybe it was the style, maybe it was familiarity with some of the players, but yeah, there’s definitely a hangover and less of an interest to put in the time investment to get to know the other teams, coaches, players (which all change every year now anyway). So, partly just aging and not being as into it, but also just a ‘is this really going to last all that long anyway’ as things get blown up into P2?

    • #231732

      My CFB viewing has been on a fairly steady decline for the last 5 years. I managed to watch about 1/2 of the TT ISU game and that was it yesterday. I remember 10-15 years ago I began watching Gameday and stayed planted till the late night ESPN game. I could watch 12 hours of FB and not blink. Now I get ADD by half time on almost any game and teams that at least held interest for me before I may check the score on but that’s about it. This feels a lot like when I slowly lost a lifelong love for baseball and eventually stopped watching all together. Sadly. very sadly.

      And it’s not because I don’t want to root for the Utes…it’s all burnout over the money and the business and the TV late nights.

    • #231734

      I mean we used to watch football. Now we watch ads with football in-between

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