I haven’t been impressed with the Stealth either. They want to force you that direction I know. I just fight everything straight up rather than hiding.
I never really played Assassin’s Creed so can’t compare it to that.
For me it is like Red Dead Redemption 2. Amazing world with a lot of the tediousness removed. Like ability to pick resources up with out animation. Not worrying about your horse stamina or it dying. I had five horses killed by a damn train after travelling that way.
I like Jin’s story haven’t really progressed the main story much as I mainly have been doing side quests. I am playing it like I did with RDR2. Exploring areas that I can and doing side quests first. I understand the history and it is interesting how the Samurai got lucky with the Mongol invasion.
My final rating is pending. Still think Nioh 2 is my game of the year but Ghost is close second. Stealth is janky though I agree.