For you Weebs out there. Ghost of Tshushima play it!

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc For you Weebs out there. Ghost of Tshushima play it!

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    • #126460

      It is an amazingly beautiful game. Combat took me a minute to get used to. 

      If you like wandering around the islands of Tshushima as a Samurai during a Mongol invasion it hits the spot. 

    • #126461


    • #126463

      I played the first 90 minutes or so tonight, then felt an overwhelming urge to watch “Seven Samurai” again.  So I spent the next 3.5 hours doing that instead.  🙂

      Will give Tsushima another go tomorrow.

      • #126465

        I watched Harakiri about a week before Ghost came out.

        The game reminds me of this scene:

    • #126484

      If you’ve never seen Yojimbo it’s a must.

    • #126504

      So, I played the first 6 hours over the last couple days.  My general take is that it’s basically Assassin’s Creed Samurai with a prettier world, far worse stealth mechanics (seriously…stealth is SO bad in this game), a better melee combat system, and the most boring lead character ever.


      That might be exactly what some folks are looking for, but I haven’t found it particularly interesting once you get past the “wow” factor of the world.  

      • #126510

        I haven’t been impressed with the Stealth either. They want to force you that direction I know. I just fight everything straight up rather than hiding. 

        I never really played Assassin’s Creed so can’t compare it to that. 

        For me it is like Red Dead Redemption 2. Amazing world with a lot of the tediousness removed. Like ability to pick resources up with out animation. Not worrying about your horse stamina or it dying.  I had five horses killed by a damn train after travelling that way. 

        I like Jin’s story haven’t really progressed the main story much as I mainly have been doing side quests. I am playing it like I did with RDR2. Exploring areas that I can and doing side quests first. I understand the history and it is interesting how the Samurai got lucky with the Mongol invasion. 

        My final rating is pending. Still think Nioh 2 is my game of the year but Ghost is close second.  Stealth is janky though I agree. 

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