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Funny to hear others say the same thing about LES

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Funny to hear others say the same thing about LES

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    • #211451
      6 2

      Nothing new here. Just funny that Zoobs still throw out the stadium smack given how shi**y LES really is (10:07 mark).
      Even non-Utah fans can clearly see it’s an out-dated set of rodeo stands thrown together…total garbage.

    • #211473
      3 7

      LES is actually a very nice stadium. This last season they got a new head groundskeeper and the quality of the playing surface was the worst I’ve seen it. Usually the natural grass field is one of the best looking in the country. I’ve never like the disconnected stands, but it is what it is. My family had season tickets in the SE endzone about mid way up from 1982 when it expanded until around 2010 when BYU moved the student section to the south. It is a gorgeous setting with Mt Timp to the north and the mountains directly east of the stadium The disconnected stands actually give a better view. Much better than RES.

      It’s an old stadium, but I have too many great memories there to see it blown up and start over. It used to be really Plain Jane, but compared to the 80s when first expanded, it has so much better atmosphere now. No longer skittles stadium like in the 80s to late 90s. I always used to envy the Utah crowd since they did wear Red even though they had a small stadium. Now I’ll put our crowd up against Utah any day as far as wearing school colors. And now that we’ve gon back to Royal blue, the color really pops. By the way, I know my profile says Utah fan, but I don’t know how to change that. I’m a BYU fan than doesn’t hate the Utes.

      One thing I like about the stadium is you can instantly recognize it when people tune into a game. All these newer stadiums are so similar, especially in the NFL and NBA. LES would look better with filled in corners, but I don’t see them ever doing that simply because the angles of the seats are different from the sidelines to the endzones. You’d have to blow up the east and west stands and rebuild to match the steeper angle of the end zones, and I don’t see BYU (church) spending that kind of money, even though they have the funds.

      • #211476

        Thanks for posting. I enjoy it when our Cougar friends post. I only quibble with your statement about taking LES on game day over RES. RES on game day, when they wear all red or the blackout games, are amazing. I can’t speak to LES on game day because I have not been there since the mid 80s.

        That being said, I think stadium smack is silly. I see it all the time on the CB. It’s like a kid saying, “My dad can beat up your dad.” Who cares …

        I personally think the RES and LES offer some of the most amazing views of any college stadium. LES is getting a bit older and apparently needs some updating.

      • #211477

        Appreciate your post but you’re basically saying what the YouTube clip is saying…that the view of the mountains is the one good characteristic of the stadium. Yes the mountains are beautiful. But no, this doesn’t make LES a nice stadium. It’s old, dated, disjointed, and uncomfortable. The aisles are so tight your knees hit into the seats or person in front of you. There’s pretty much zero premium seating. The press box is awful. Everywhere you look it’s just a crappy stadium.
        And it’s a waste of money making any renovations to it because it’s just putting good money after bad. The church has the money to tear it down and replace it with a new stadium. But I doubt they’ll ever do it unless some wealthy donor(s) pays the bill. Otherwise it would be a very poor use of tithing funds.

      • #211479

        Perhaps the best setting for a stadium in college football. Washington on a beautiful day is quite a setting as well.

        Like MD said, not a good actual stadium and I’ll take Utah’s game day over the Y’s, although I only get to a game once every other season or so. I understand the Y’s been working on the experience so I’m certainly not as informed as you.

      • #211505

        “Our stadium is very nice”

        > Proceeds to give two paragraphs about why it needs to be torn down, remodeled and given a better playing surface.

        Now for some nice things: First is that the views are top-tier. Hit that nail on the head. Second, I’ve heard you give out ice cream to visiting fans, which is very kind. Third, the entire program being in the shadow of Utah can really help with the heat during afternoon games.

        • #211506

          Yes Washington is for the view on a clear day, but the stadium is getting old and outdated as well. Of course the view of the Sound and Mt Rainer can’t beat that on a nice sunny day, but far and between for Sunny days during football season too. Got to get a lucky day.

        • #211507

          Yeah, the backdrop is great but the stadium can be disassembled with a few wrenches and an impact driver. They don’t call it Lavelle’s erector set for nothin’

    • #211495
      Tony (admin)

      Stadium smack is the most zoobish of zoob things that ever zoobed.

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