TCU @  Utah

G, G, G, and G

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    • #120815
      Ghost of the HEB

    • #120817

      We will not make the playoff next year. That being said this program has come a VERY long way. We lose almost all of our defense and our star QB and RB, and we are still mentioned as part of a group of potential playoff teams.

      Nobody can say we are a Pac12 bottom feeder anymore (though we never really were honestly), nobody can even say we are a middling Pac12 team. Everyone knows we are a top tier Pac12 team. The only thing they can do to knock our success is try to poke holes in the strength of the Pac12 as a whole.

      As horrificly disappointing as the end of the season was, we are still the only team to win the Pac12 south twice in a row.

      Utah football is here to stay. USC will USC coaching hires as per usual. ASU will only have Herm for a few years more, and while the recruiting numbers look great he will eventually get bored/tired and retire, leaving them to start over. Whitt will retire eventually as well, but only a fool would predict that Scalley won’t be at least as good as Whitt has been. No other south team scares me even a little. If ASU isn’t grooming Herm’s replacement, this success will not last. Whatever happens, Utah is destined to compete for the south every year for a very long time.

      • #120818
        2 2

        Minor correction: UCLA won the South in 2011 & 2012 making Utah the second team to win the South two years in a row. Granted, UCLA only won in 2011 due to USC being ineligible but still, they won.

        • #120824
          3 1

          Correction to your correction. UCLA did not win the south in 2011. They represented the south in the championship game but they did not win it. USC won it, they were prohibited from playing in the post season but there was no such sanctions regarding the division title won in the regular season. 

          • #120834

            Derp, derp, derp . . . That’s basically what I said in my second sentence but thanks for that.

            • #120867

              It’s not at all what you said. You said UCLA won the division and that’s just not true. USC wasn’t ineligible for the division championship and they won it then were ineligible to play after that. If you want to “derp, derp, derp” someone try being accurate in what you say in the first place.

              • #120876
                1 1

                And if Utah had beaten Colorado back in 2011 to go to the Pac-12 Championship, would we all look back and say we have 3 South Division Titles? Or would we say we have won two South titles and we “represented” the South a third time? 

                You, me, and every Ute fan would be claiming 3 South Titles and you know it.

                I rest my case. 

                • #120877

                  You’re hypothetical scenario may have played out just as you believe but that doesn’t make your statement accurate.

                  The best part of all this is you corrected a factual statement, Utah is the only team to WIN consecutive south division championships, with a false statement,  UCLA won back to back. After all that you rest a case that you never had in the first place.

    • #120819

      Scalley will be as good to start and better over time than KW because of the succession plan and where the program will be when he takes over. Have to believe coach KW would not want it any other way and will be there for him behind the curtain. Agree on Herm. He’s gone in 2-3 years if not sooner. Utah has national respect.

    • #120823

      posted in wrong place

    • #120829

      I’m just thrilled we were included on the list. The program Whitt is building is pretty cool.

    • #120831

      Baylor, Utah, Virginia, FSU??? No Auburn, Minnesota, or Iowa??? This list is laughable at best, but please utehumpers pound your chest about how great it is to be included. Utah’s on the rise!!! Maybe the Gymnastics team can teach these guys how to show up for the big games…

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