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Gary Anderson and his culture

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    • #52995
      5 9
      Ute Bc

      Many have shown admiration for the way Gary Anderson left Oregon State. He quit. Quit on his players and his coaches. Having a coach who is a quitter is not admirable in my opinion. I hope that isn’t a culture he brings to Utah. 

    • #52997
      4 1

      Very leery of this. Strikes me as a favor to a former protege on the skids. Hope Whitt doesn’t regret it.

      • #53034

        I wouldn’t mind having Gary’s 2008 culture back. Paul Kruger, Derrick Shelby, Greg Newman, Koa Misi, Stevenson Sylvestor, Sean Smith, Brice McCain, Robert Johnson, Joe Dale, Sealver Siliga, Christian Cox, etc.

        • #53048
          Ute Bc

          I’m fairly certain those were Kyle recruits…  I’m not saying Gary isn’t a good coach, but I do think he gets a ton of credit for what Kyle set up for him.  When he left Utah for UT State he came after a bunch of Utah assistants.  He left Wisconsin in a weird fashion as well.  He doesn’t stick around anywhere too long and his most recent debacle was just that.

          That said, I have nothing against Gary. I just see this as a risky hire.

          • #53054

            Risky hire as the 10th coach??? He’s not the D.C., hell, he’s not even a position coach. But he needs some title so he can go recruit some kids. Who recruited Stevenson Sylvestor?

            Also, Yes or No? Stevenson Sylvestor said that Gary Anderson is a defensive mastermind after the Alabama game?

            • #53055
              Ute Bc

              I’ll take your word for it, I don’t hang on to every player’s quotes.  Most tend to praise their coaches – especially after a game like that.

              There’s really no such thing as a “10th Coach” – that could describe any of the coaches.

              All that said – I hope you are right and he’s a defensive mastermind, not a quitter and has worked out his personal issues.

              • #53061
                Puget Ute

                The 10th coach stems from a new NCAA rule that allows teams to have 10 coaches on staff (previously the limit was 9).

                Of course Alabama has something like 20 ‘advisors’ on staff, who carry a total salary of $2.5M. They are not allowed to ‘coach’ and are limited in their exposure to the players, but they scout the future games and give advice to the coaching staff.

    • #52999

      It seems so contrary to what we knew of him here. He’s never been labeled a quitter, until he took HC jobs in major conferences. Maybe he just hated living anywhere but in Utah.

      I know how he feels. My career took me all over the world, but I always came back to Utah, and could not get back here fast enough. I once left an entire apartment full of furniture just so I wouldn’t have to miss another 48 hours in Utah.

      • #53013
        3 2
        Tony (admin)

        Funny. I’m anxious to leave Utah. Dealing with the local “culture” has driven me nuts. Dealing with that as an outsider living inside is still worth staying until I can find a place as beautiful with great summer and winter activities (mountains, skiing, golf, national parks, hiking, desert etc).

        • #53030

          I used to be like that. I’m old now and fully aware of the things I want from life.

        • #53043
          Puget Ute

          The inversion in Dec/Jan/Feb was enough for me.  (Well, that and the crappy job market with low salaries in my field).  Skipping out on the road rage and aggressive driving was a big plus, and the scenery in my avater is the cherry on top.

          p.s. move to Washington. I know you already golf here. We have amazing summers without being too hot, and great winter activities without being too cold.

    • #53002

      Well, don’t know what to tell you. All I know is he loved Utah so much he raided Whitt’s coaches and recruits to try and win. Homesickness sounds like a bulls**t excuse IMO. All those who followed him aren’t exactly thriving. Go Utes…

      • #53003

        I think you’re missing the point.

    • #53005

      How, exactly?

      • #53007

        I’ve had my doubts about Gary, but he beat us. He’s the only OOC that can make that claim. The only one. ONE.

    • #53006

      Can’t be any worse than Dave “Mr. F**king Howdy Doody” Christensen.

      There’s risk in the hire – sure. But it’s mitigated by the fact that he’s not running the show. It’s still Kyle’s program.

      And, risk or not, I don’t know who else we could have got as the 10th assistant that would be a better hire.


      Here’s a link for the howdy doody uninitiated

      • #53019

        Not sure how I hadn’t seen the “Howdy Doody” clip before, that just made my day. Hilarious.

        • #53026

          I always lose it when he goes “Woo!” at the end. Hilarious


      • #53044

        This.  Most programs will probably use their 10th spot to raise a GA to a full-time position.  We got a former P5 head coach with 20+ years of experience.

      • #53094

        Wow, I had never seen that before. Thanks for the link. What a dbag. 

    • #53008
      1 3

      For the potential infighting I think I see in this, I think Lewis Powell is more fit to coach defense. Hell, hire Steve Smith or Luther Elliss. Just my opinion.

      • #53024
        Puget Ute

        Gary Andersen plus Lewis Powell will be a dynamite combination for our Defensive Line and OLBs.  The though of those two recruiting and coaching that position group makes me giddy with excitement.  We have players with the physical traits needed to be 1st team All Americans on the D line (esp Bradley Anae* and Leki Fotu), but they need a lot of fine tuning to get to the next level. 

        Gary is a known commodity as an assistant coach, and everything about him is good.  I have a great deal of respect for Luther Elliss and knew him somewhat from having several classes with him, but Gary has been coaching for decades and Big Luther is a rookie coach (iirc he coaches at Judge Memorial).

        *(Bradley Anae in particular ended the year strongly, and over the last 4 games plus the bowl game he was top 10 in the nation in sacks, TFL, and hurries)


    • #53009

      I have some of the same feelings and sense of this situation. We don’t know KW’s motivation here. You either trust him or you don’t. What I do hope is that Gary can bring to the D line improved techniques for getting to the opposing QB that has been missing from Utah’s defense for a year or so.

    • #53011

      I hope to be wrong.

    • #53015
      8 3

      Fake news. Holy s**t. Who of any importance has shown admiration for how he left Oregon State?

      Good god people. We just hired the second most accomplished assistant coach ever. 

      I don’t get the Gary hate at all. Grow up people. It’s pathetic. The guy loves Utah, is an amazing coach and will be here a loooooong Time. 

      Deal with it. 

      • #53018
        5 1

        Same people would complain if Whitt got Urban to leave OSU and come back as the 10th assistant

      • #53020
        2 5
        Ute Bc

        Nothing fake about it.  He has been praised for leaving and not taking the money.  He quit.  It was a simple post that we have hired a guy who quit on his players and coaches. &nbsp ;What is really bad is he did it MID-SEASON.

    • #53017
      8 1

      I have questioned GA and his record as a former DC and a HC. From rumors running rampid it appears GA had an alcohol problem and wasn’t right mentally which explains some of the texts he sent out. Did he quit on his team? Yes, but he also left the school in a position where they could proceed further without being hampered. Much like Carrington and his issues, everybody deserves a second chance and Whitt is probably one of the better men to judge Andersen and his effect he may have on the team. Going forward, best of luck to GA and hope he can help the team and coaches to win the South.

      • #53022
        2 3
        Ute Bc

        I had not heard about the alcohol issues.  That would certainly explain some things.  It also makes this an even riskier hire. 

    • #53029
      Puget Ute

      Were you also critical of Urban Meyer in the way he left Florida?  He left UF after the season, but still took the money and ran and quit on his team.

      • #53031
        2 4
        Ute Bc

        I really didn’t care about how Urban left back then.  Florida is not a program I care for.

        However, I do believe that quitting at the end of the season is FAR better than abandoning your team mid-season.  Someone choosing to retire happens all the time so I don’t see the parallel

        • #53035
          2 3

          Urban didn’t “choose to retire”, he faked an illness and quit on his team because the program was getting out of control.

          • #53041
            3 1
            Puget Ute

            I don’t buy the ‘faked an illness’ claims. I believe the pressure Urban was under caused real issues for him, and panic attacks/anxiety/depression/ulcers/chest pains were all related.  Work-related mental health issues are no joke.

            • #53090

              The health issues might have been real, but if they were they were due to his own actions. He recruited a bunch of questionable players and let them run amok so he could win games. I think he could see how out of control things were getting but he was too young to retire so he used the health concerns as a graceful way to quit before he became more well-known for running a thug program than for winning.

        • #53038
          Puget Ute

          I agree there is a difference with Urban, and Gary must have been fighting some serious demons to leave mid-season.

          The positive thing about the way Gary got out of Dodge-vallis is he walked away from guaranteed contract money that would have been a program-killer. He probably felt he had to get out to save his own life. I can’t imagine the pressure that he was under.

          I wasn’t being critical of you, I just wanted to understand you feelings on the matter.

    • #53045
      Red Don

      I’m still confused about the reason he left being his frustration with his assistant coaches.  Didn’t he hire them and if so why not replace them?  After all, Holmoe wasn’t the AD there and hired them all for him.


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