Go Utes then Go Mariners! Fun game last night

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    • #63469


      For those of us that our baseball fans we were treated to a very unique one last night. The Seattle Mariners won in the 10th on a “walk off balk!”  I believe the announcer said that that type of win has only occurred about 21 times over the history of baseball and it’s the first time it has happened in over 14 years.

    • #63471

      Not if you’re a Dodger fan. That was a crazy ending. Machado’s response was classic. Dodgers do not have enough guys that can get base hits. Puig is one of the most overrated players in baseball.

      • #63472

        Lol.  From a Dodger’s fan prospective that is true.  These wins are huge for us right now since the A’s are on a great run and Astros are faultering. I really hope we can finish the season strong and at least get the wild card. 

    • #63476

      It’s been a crazy baseball season. The Phillies gave up 30 runs the other day, had five errors and lost by 20 runs…and gained 1/2 game in the Braves. Ha ha. 

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