Got the new Ute Hub iPad!

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Got the new Ute Hub iPad!

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    • #80336
      Tony (admin)

      Thanks again to you kind folks who chipped in on the first Ute Hub fundraiser. I snagged the new iPad mini 4 for testing the iOS app on last night at Best Buy. It’s quite nice. Saved $150 thanks to those of you who showed me a black friday deal.  I’ll be able to do the iOS avatar upload testing soon! That’s one of the last parts of the app I’m finishing off.

      If you still would like to send some appreciation in the form of a dontation, the link is still open here: I’ll put anything over the initial need into a general slush fund for other expenses like hosting, SSL, developer account fees for Google/Apple, and so on. 

      Thanks and GO UTES!

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