guess it's time for another trip to Alaska, this was in my inbox today

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc guess it's time for another trip to Alaska, this was in my inbox today

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    • #25922
    • #25923
      Tony (admin)

      I have a buddy who goes there every year. They have some kind of water plane take them way out in the boonies and the fish for a few days, and I think drink a lot of booze, smoke cigars.

    • #25924

      We fly out to one of three different rivers in the Bristol Bay area. Base is Dillingham. We spend 8-10 days flyfishing and camping down the river, catching ridiculous numbers of trout, salmon, char, dolly varden and arctic grayling and yes we smoke a lot of cigars and drink our share of booze.
      Goodnews Adventures drops us off in their 1941 Grumman Goose. Helluva good time

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