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Gundy vs Whitt press conferences

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    • #223840
      Tony (admin)

      I watched both coaches’ press conferences yesterday. I wish we’d get a little more out of our press conferences. Gundy’s press conference was 36 minutes long and included him fixing a bad compressor on an air conditioner, or something. Whitt’s interview as 16 minutes.

      Then again, 20 more minutes of coach speak that isn’t super informative may not be that great.

      Your thoughts?

    • #223843

      I get tired of the coach speak, but Coach is who he is and Gundy is who he is. They actually seem pretty similar in many ways, but Whit definitely holds more back. I’m not too concerned about it though.

    • #223851
      Jim Vanderhoof

      Gundy is more social and shares more opinions and emotions. Whitt is all business and keeps everything internal. Both great coaches different styles.

    • #223857

      Definitely appreciate Gundy’s approach. I feel like we get a lot of info about the players personally and their development. He seems a straight shooter, solid and candid assessment of his team and ours, and he doesn’t hold it back like Whitt does. Of course if Whitt’s approach gives us the edge, so be it, but I’d get more out of being a fan if Whitt opened up more.

      • #223877

        Yeah, but its gotten him in trouble before like totally dismissing a DUI charge for 20-year-old (Ollie Gordon), and a couple years ago he posted some pics of himself fishing in an OAN Network t-shirt that didn’t go over well with some of his players (during the George Floyd protests summer), and of course “I’m a man, I’m 40!!” viral video.

    • #223869

      Turns out it was a refrigerator they had for beverages they have on hand for the staff and media. He went over to it and tried to move it away from the wall to get to the cord, then OSU staff helped him push it away and get the plug pulled.

    • #223889

      I’ll never understand why coach speak bothers fans. If our program was struggling or cheating or up to no good, I would understand. But we’re winning, we’re successful, etc.. so who cares?

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