West Virginia @  Utah

Had an amusing thought about TSPP football today

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Had an amusing thought about TSPP football today

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    • #177151

      I’d post it there, but I got shadow banned for sharing a story about a drunk and belligerent BYU fan.


      AAAAANYWAY… I was just thinking that the TSPP football team is in serious danger of being in the same situation as our men’s basketball team. The TSPP football team has a history of being relevant nationally (for a shorter period of time in the case of TSPP football). By virtue of having a high level draft pick fall into their laps, they are coming off two good/great seasons after being mediocre to bad for several years prior to that. Their rival is dominating in state recruiting for the most part, and wins most head to head match ups. Now, after a couple of good seasons, an uptick in fan optimism, and a win over their rival… They have returned to their mediocre/bad play. The cat is out of the bag regarding the poor coaching. Fans know it, players know it, and recruits know it… Yet know change has been made.

      The Runnin’ Utes are in such a terrible place because they took a year or two too long to fire their coach and find someone else. TSPP is going to end up in exactly the same situation if they don’t cut their losses and move on. Either their HC, or their DC needs to go ASAP or they are going to hemorrhage recruits and fan support until the last drop of the once proud program’s lifeblood has dried up.

      The fact that TSPP is about to move to the BIG12 makes their coaching move all the more urgent. They’ve effectively squandered any momentum they had gained in announcing the move. If they continue on this course they will almost certainly become the Runnin’ Utes of the Big12 football world.

      There are several more parallels that I don’t have time to get into now… but you get the point.

    • #177154

      BYU is in a bad place with its football program, but not close to as bad as our basketball program became and is.

      However, using CB logic – our basketball program is better because:

      1. We have won a championship and been to four Final Fours.  BYU has never been to a Final Four.

      2.  We have a winning record in NCAA tourney play.  Their record is about .250.

      3. We have had eight top-ten draft picks over the years and they have had one.  

      4. As bad as we have been, we have three guys playing in the NBA today.  BYU has none.  They would like to count Jimmer, but the China league doesn’t count.

      This all being said, our basketball program fell to a pathetic place.  It is very sad.  I hope this year will be the year we start to see things turn around.


      • #177156

        I know it’s not as bad yet… My point is, it could GET the bad if they don’t make a coaching change. Mostly I’m referring to their DC, who is clearly not doing his job. That being said, I don’t know how TSPP fans could be comfortable with Kalani at the helm right now. We still don’t really know how good of a coach he is. Just like with Larry K, we thought he was a good coach when he lucked into two amazing players (like Zack Wilson for TSPP). Our AD invested in LK to keep him around, and we soon found out that he was, in fact, not a good basketball coach.

        • #177160
          Central Coast Ute

          Everyone likes to point to the DC but the OC isn’t doing much better. Not going to win many games if the offense doesn’t score points. 24 points in college football isn’t going to cut it. We all know Arod always starts the season off alright, but becomes predictable by mid-season.

          • #177165

            Haha… It really is funny watching TSPP fans slowly realize what it means that their team is being led by our cast-offs. Our defense improved when Kalani left, and our offense improved when Arod left. Not a coincidence.

            • #177210

              To be fair, John Pease led the Defense after Sitake left.  He’d outdo ANY Defensive Coordinator amid the “Whittingham” era.

    • #177157

      No BYU fan would ever admit it but they’d be more than happy to join us in having a terrible basketball team if it meant they could have a football program like ours. 

      • #177158

        I think there are lots of TSPP fans that would admit that.

        • #177159

          Yep, some on CB already do.  Most (not all) are much more invested in football.  They have had polls that have asked this very question.  Football is king for most Cougar fans and it’s the same with the Utes.



    • #177162

      Yeah interesting they are playing here tomorrow at BSU……is there away they they both could lose? 

      Okay I would rather see BSU win this one other the BYWho. I pick root for anyone over BYWho.

      BSU has been looking a lot better with their original QB going into the portal a month or some back and firing there OC and hiring Koetter back for the rest of the season. Of course Koetter kid is one of their WR’s too.

    • #177170

      To me when you recruit in the 70’s and expect to be ranked in the top 20, it’s not coaching per say, it’s talent. They recruit a few really good players/ transfers each year but the middle to bottom of their classes is terrible. So at the beginning of the year they look amazing and can compete with those really good players.

      As the year goes on they have to reach into their depth which is terrible. In some years their EOY schedule is so bad that you don’t notice it. That was never more true than in the COVID year. COVID impacts are gone. Schedule is a little harder at the end (not counting Utah tech). And the truth surfaces. You can’t recruit in the 70’s and expect to end in the top 20. IMO their coaches are performing miracles and are helped many times by the way they schedule. You think it’s bad this year? Wait until next when they play all P 5 games at the end…

    • #177178

      Their problem is, with their mormon HC requirement, who do they hire? 

      Scalley isn’t going to BYU, because he thinks he is the next HC at Utah.

      Jay Hill isn’t going to BYU, because he isn’t going anywhere until he isn’t the HC at Utah. 

      Ken N isn’t leaving Navy for less money. 

      Maybe one of Bronco’s former coaches? Poppinga? He has never been a HC. 

      Who do they hire? There really isn’t anyone else out there. 

      Unless they are willing to hire a non-mormon HC, they are kind of stuck with Kalani. Their best hope would be to clean house, get rid of ARod and their DC and go from there. 

      Or hope that Hill is made Utah’s next HC (and he should be) and Scalley gets p**sed and goes to BYU. 

      • #177189

        You think Hill>Scalley? Why? The scandal that nobody cares about anymore? The rival coaches that were around then will all be fired by the time Scalley gets the job.

        Hill: has HC experience at a D-whatever school. Not a great recruiter IIRC. Probably doesn’t have ties outside of Utah (other than Australia). Excellent special teams guy.

        Scalley: No HC experience. Good recruiter. Excellent defensive coach and position coach. Much younger.

        • #177196

          Hill is a good recruiter and developer. He’s recruited well to Utah and well to Weber and puts kids in the NFL every year. 

          Hill knows how to run a team as a HC. Hill to an absolute garbage program and turned them into a title contending team. Hill has also been very successful away from Whitt. Oh, and he has hired many coaches who have left Weber and gone on to be very successful. 

          Scalley as a recruiter…he’s good. He’s not amazing. He doesn’t bring in scores if 4 and 5 star kids. In fact, safety is one of our lowest rated groups. 

          Scalley is a great developer. As far as coach goes? He has done very good things at Utah, but he’s always had Whitt over his shoulder. Is he good? Is it Whitt? No one knows. 

          And as a HC? We have no clue how he’d do. 

          My problem with Scalley is he has no experience. He played at Utah. He coached at Utah. You don’t know what you don’t know and all Scalley knows is Utah. 

          He could be great. He could be a complete bust. 

          Hill is a much more known quantity. 

          • #177207

            Scalley doesn’t just recruit safeties. Our #1 recruit this year was a safety until he started getting NIL deals

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