Utah @  BYU

Hard cold truths

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Hard cold truths

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    • #239050
      5 2

      1. We’re NOT a blue blood.

      2. There is a lot of money on the table (legally) for these kids…how can you blame them for taking it.

      3. The Big XII is NOT on equal playing ground with The B1G or the SEC!

      4. Neither was the Pac12 for that matter.

      5. If I could double my salary, AND if I could do it playing Football (not as a sit behind a desk job), I’d do it in a heart beat!

      6. If I could make the money these kids are, period, I’d do it.

      Utah will, in most years complete for the conference championship. They will win some and lose some. Utah football is in a MUCH MUCH better spot, even after two consecutive sub-par seasons than the were during the 70’s, 80’s and even the early 90’s.

      Go Utes!

      Merry Christmas every Ute!!

    • #239052

      We still have the resources where we can compete and make the playoff. Our upward trajectory has stalled but there’s no reason to think we’ll never have elite seasons again. Hopefully we can make the B1G someday in the future.

      • #239055

        These truths didn’t make me hard or cold.

    • #239054
      1 7

      Nah, we are screwed. There is something rotten in the state of our athletic department and football program. We are in some deep deep s**t.

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