Oklahoma State @  Utah

Have any of you had issues with Bindweed and/or found a solution to get rid of i

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc Have any of you had issues with Bindweed and/or found a solution to get rid of i

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    • #59296
      Larry B

      This stuff has just about driven me crazy. I’ve tried pulling it, but it grows and spreads like wildfire. And getting the root out, if you can locate the source, is impossible. Any advice would be great.

    • #59299

      Boiling water around where you don’t want to kill nothing but the weed. Try roundup to but it will kill anything you have around it and isn’t as harmful as boiling water.  

      Constant pruning which takes longer eventually it kills itself from wasting energy on the roots. 

      Then if it is grass and stuff you just need to pull it up and then repatch the grass because another plant will choke it out. 

      Oh and that was what I read off of google. I have tried most of those methods except boiling water. Weeding is a constant battle though and I actually have grown to enjoy it over spraying. If youu constantly weed it eventually plants can’t get nutrients to survive. 

      • #59307

        You must resist the urge to pull it, it’s a complete waste of effort. Instead, spray it with Roundup that has been slightly diluted. Put it in a marked spray bottle for controlled delivery. Keep an eye on where it is and spray it every week. It is possible to kill it and stop it from spreading. If it’s in your grass, get a piece of cardboard with a hole cut in the middle. Put the cardboard over the weed and carefully pull it through the hole. Now you can spray the leaves of the weed without hitting your grass. Don’t water for 24 hours after spraying to let the weed absorb it.

        If you must pull it, throw the weeds directly into the garbage or out on to the cement where it will dry up. Even small bits of that stuff can take root again and start a new colony.

        Good luck!

        • #59308

          I have had the best luck with pruning. You do have to dispose of the vines if you weed. 

          • #59309
            Larry B

            Thanks to both of you for the advice. It is in my lawn so I worry about using anything that will kill the grass. I’ll try some of the other suggestions.

            • #59310

              Pulling it up in the morning when it flowers I have found is easiest. Eventually your grass will choke it out. 

    • #59369

      The late great Larry Saegers (sp?), former Utah State Horticulturist helped me out a great deal. 


      If in your grass, spray it with liquid weed and feed everytime you see it.  This will may not get rid of it entirely, but will control it (and I found often does get rid of it after a few years).

      If in garden, Round up everytime you see it.  

      The roots can go as deep as 20′ and if you break the root, new plants will start from every broken root.  So yea, DON’T pull it.  

      I keep both products in pressue sprayers.  Everytime I mow I will watch for it.  If i see any, I immediately spray it.  I still have some in my yard, but no one would ever know but me.  

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