Have to admit that last Apple app rejection was a kick in the groin

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Have to admit that last Apple app rejection was a kick in the groin

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    • #36890
      Tony (admin)

      The app version 0.0.4 was rejected by apple a week and a half or so ago. It was approved by the “other” platform (can’t mention the name) within minutes. 0.0.4 has the login fix for new users, and new schedules. But apple rejected it because the app allows for user generated content and it has no way of filtering posts, blocking users, and needs to have users agree to an “end user license agreement.” Why then did they approve 0.0.3? It’s quite irritating.

      Anyway, adding user blocking, questionable content reporting, and all the other stuff they are requiring is a huge task and could take me weeks. I’ve been staring at my laptop feeling like I got kicked in the nuts and haven’t been able to start working on that stuff yet. And the crap thing is, they’ll probably reject the app for some other reason after that. 

      So to you iOS people 0.0.3 is it until I get up the motivation and the plan to work on the next one. I’ve got coders block right now.

    • #36941

      Don’t let the iBastards get you down.

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