A worry I have is that our admin is going to get on board with some “we’re all in this together” mantra with the remaining Pac-12 schools (like we saw when the conference butchered and nuked the 2020-2021 season). The other schools’ leadership (specifically Oregon, Washington) will say all the right things about being committed to keeping the Pac-12 alive, but they will jump ship the minute FOX/ESPN/BIG/SEC inevitably decides to offer a super conference life raft.
Let’s not get left on the sinking ship for the sake of trying to be loyal to our remaining conference mates and P5 roots. Here’s to hoping Randall and Harlan are knocking every door and making every call to those greener pastures.
Reports are that every Pac12 team has reached out to other conferences at this point. Utah’s leadership is keenly aware of the realities of modern college football re-alignment and will do whatever is in Utah’s best interest.
That could be staying with the Pac-12 and adding a couple of teams.