Arizona State @  Utah

How to post images to Ute Hub

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site How To Use Ute Hub How to post images to Ute Hub

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    • #9307
      Tony (admin)

      Currently Ute Hub does not allow for users to upload images to the site. Images from other websites can be displayed here by using the image URL.

      1. Find an image to post on a website like twitter, instagram, flickr etc.

      2. On a Mac (one mouse button or track pad) hold down the control key then click the image to open the image menu. Select “copy image address.” On a PC right-click the mouse on the image to open the menu and select “copy image address.” This copies the image’s location.

      3. In the Ute Hub text area click on the ‘img’ button. Paste the image URL into the popup window. A 2nd window will pop up asking for a description. That is optional.

      Your image will now appear as html code in your post!

      If you want to screen cap or take an image from your computer do the following:

      1. On windows I use ”Snipping Tool” for screen caps. You can draw a square around part of your screen and it will make a PNG of it. Save the image somewhere on your computer’s hard drive, like the desktop.

      On mac I use shift-command-4 and a crosshair appears which you can draw around things. It makes a PNG and saves it to your desktop.

      2. Once you have the PNG stored you can upload to instagram, twitter, flickr etc. Then copy the URL of the image (first set of instructions above) and use the IMG button in the post dialog to post it.

      Good luck and send me any questions if you have trouble.

      NOTE: Unlike “other” sites, this site is smart enough to size the image. No matter the size it will not break the site layout. That said, posting gigantic images is not recommended because they will load slowly. Generally JPG images up to 1200 pixels in width should be fine.

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