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How’s it going in the Utah bubble

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    • #122939
      9 6

      Here in SE MI it’s a bit dicey. about 3,600 deaths

      My next door neighor (56 years old) is in the hospital in realy bad shape. He never left his home except for groceires and gas.

      S**t just got very real.

    • #122941
      5 6

      Getting down votes… Wow?

      Go utehub!

      • #123049

        I’m going to pretend like you actually care about the down votes and give you some advice.

        Try not opening with, “How’s it going in the Utah bubble.”

        A Utah fan would understand the negative connotations of refering to something as a bubble. You either did that intentionally or you don’t understand why it’s bothersome thus exposing yourself for the pretender you are. Hope your neighbor pulls through.

    • #122944
      3 1
      Central Coast Ute

      For someone who hates the state of Utah, hates the Uye football team and the University itself, you sure do spend a lot of time wondering how things are there.

    • #122945
      6 1

      Hope your neighbor pulls thru! Unfortunately several on this board are as bad as ex-wives, always have something to bitch about regardless of the current situation.

    • #122947

      Yeah. Mich has been hit hard. Utah not so much. Decent amount of cases but “only” and I say only based on the deaths compared to the rest of the country. Only 45. Hasn’t been too bay but comparison to most every state.

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