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Huntley out with covid

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Professional Sports NFL Huntley out with covid

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    • #162717

    • #162721
      3 3

      Four topics down.

      But it sure is looking like the jab is all but useless in preventing anyone from contracting the new variants.

      • #162725

        If you’re fully vaccinated / jabbed = 2 Jab’s and a booster (or 1 J&J and a booster) it significantly decreases, but yeah, still much more transmissible.

        • #162726
          14 10

          That’s the party line. “Significant” has been estimated to be about 30% effective at stopping transmission. Thats pretty pathetic, and doesn’t seem worth it to me, when any long term effects for taking this shot, are unknown. I’m starting to have doubts that it’s worth it frankly. It seems everyone is getting it, jabbed, boostered or not. I just don’t care anymore. I’ve had the shots less than six months ago… Rona is moving into the endemic stage, and seems to be getting less severe. We’re going to have to live with it, and we’re going to have to transition out of panic mode, and get the government out of the micromanaging, authoritarian BS. But of course they wont. The public has been scares to death by the media and has zero perspective on how we could actually started getting back to normal.

          That’s my two cents. Downvote away.

          • #162728
            8 3

            I know I’ve been down voted for countering, but “significant” is 80% with the booster. 30% without (just the 2 dose for mRNA or 1 for J&J). But I do agree that if (more and more evidence) newer variants are less, we need to adjust tactics and restrictions to reflect that we are getting closer to endemic levels (at least in the US). It’s unfortunate when those that get tested regularly (healthcare, athletes, etc.) are restricted even without symptoms. I do like that they measure for something and their levels meet some criteria, it’s not all or nothing.

            We’re not quite there yet, and these surges seem to come at unfortunate times for our entertainment, but we all still need to do what we can and have control over.

            • #162731
              11 17

              Oh f**k it. F**k the boosters, f**k all of it. Quit being afraid, live your life. I’m so sick of modern people expecting the world to be perfect. Not so long ago, people lived with Smallpox, Polio, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, diptheria, typhus, scarlet fever… S**t that had a much higher mortality rate. People lived with it and didn’t live in constant fear, nor did they have the constant drumbeat of 24/7 news frightening them.

              I’m just done.

              Edit: Yeah, that’s the ticket. Keep drinking from that fear porn spigot. Let’s make this the most downvoted post of all time!!!!!!!!!!

              • #162738
                7 8

                Utesbyfive saying exactly what we’re all thinking. I’m sure our lefty relatives didn’t say a word about covid/vax bulls**t during Christmas get-togethers, am I right?? 😂😂 These people are part of a cult

                • #162739
                  6 4

                  If the vaccines were really 80% effective nobody on this board would be worried at all about the rose bowl being canceled. Yet here we are.

                • #162748
                  1 4

                  I’ve heard them called “doomers” a lot.

              • #162741
                9 2

                This sort of rhetoric is equally harmful when compared to the fear mongering that goes on in the news. Yes, the current strain of COVID is not all that harmful, and no, we should not stop what we are doing to help control it or whatever…

                but that doesn’t mean that vaccines and boosters are not absolutely worth it. You claim that people back in the day lived with all of those diseases without living in fear of their lives, but you bet your ass they all would have gotten every vaccine and booster they possibly could to avoid every one of those diseases… they would have, and they did. Why do you think those diseases are largely non-existent today?

                Games should not be cancelled because vaccinated players are contracting Omicron. If the players and coaches want to play regardless, what reason is there to cancel the game? Keep fans out? Sure, that’s fine as far as I’m concerned, but even then, if they all have a negative test within 72 hours of the game, and they all know they risk contracting COVID back going to the game, why not let people go?

                There are two reasonable sides to be on in this debate. Hating on vaccines and boosters is not one of the two reasonable sides.

                • #162745
                  2 8

                  Because they had immunizations, not whatever this ineffective “vaccine” is.

              • #162742
                7 5

                Your ignorant rant would have been much better in all caps.

                • #162746
                  2 9

                  Ignorant huh? Keep deluding yourself that this particular drug is any kind of answer to this.

                  Keep in mind I had the f**king thing.

                  • #162751
                    8 2

                    Sorry you had it and thank you for getting vaccinated. I get it that people are done. Fatigue is real. I don’t agree with all the policies and practices put forward, but many are good. Others need updating. 

                    I’m sorry for whatever your sources are. I don’t watch the news much or follow social media on the topic. I look for studies, not sound bites. I have literally sat in rooms to measure and calculate probabilities of contracting various infectious diseases in different indoor environments and I have published science on related topics. I’ve worked with epidimiological models. Ststistics and math are important in this world of distributions, not black and white absolutes. My training and education (doctorate) help me sort through a lot of data, sometimes conflicting or with confounding factors and I can come to conclusions outside echo chambers and I always recognize my bias and ask if I could wrong. There’s still a lot we don’t understand.

                    Vaccines work. They are not 100% effective (and never will be) and with different targets (different proteins in varinats) effectiveness is going to change. But night and day outcomes where vaccination rates are decently high. Masking keeps people’s germs more to themselves since this is spread mostly through aerosols. Distancing helps droplet spread. Increased ventilation disperses potential viral load (but can also be done poorly). Testing provides a screen to react based on other factors.

                    All risk mitigation is by layers of simple protections. All of these things save lives, and to say otherwise is ignorant. And they are not that hard while keeping businesses open, games played, etc. Frankly, other countries are doing it better. Our choices based on misinformation have prolonged this pandemic. One might be done with the virus but the virus is not done with us.

                    It’s great news that Omicron is (hopefuly) less lethal. It sucks things evolve. We will all likely be exposed and that may be how this thing burns out. But let’s have mild cases with bodies ready for it and not overwhelm the heroes in the hospitals. Let’s love our neighbor (and fellow Utes) by doing some relatively small things to be part of the solution.

                    • #162752
                      4 4

                      Why does Pfizer need 75 years to release data that can be released in a femtosecond as a digital file?

                      Because they’re hiding something. There is NO other answer.

                      • #162754
                        4 3

                        Intellectual property? Side effect of Capitalism. I got Moderna but I guess all the vaccines competing against each other are actually conspiring and colluding to sell snake oil. Oy vey.

                        Eight vaccines have been approved for emergency or full use by at least one stringent regulatory authority recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO): Pfizer–BioNTech, Oxford–AstraZeneca, Sinopharm BIBP, Moderna, Janssen, CoronaVac, Covaxin and Novavax. Five others are under assessment by the WHO: Sputnik V, Sinopharm WIBP, Convidecia, Sanofi–GSK and SCB-2019.

    • #162750

      Mods can you move this thread to the politics category, it no longer has anything to do with NFL football. 

      • #162753
        2 3

        Just delete the topic. I don’t want to argue or even think about this anymore. I deeply regret posting anything about it.

        I think McAffeeKnob nailed it though. If the drug were effective, this thread wouldn’t exist. QED.

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