I guess it will be a reconstruction and not a lift job…
They really do need a more modern (smaller, like 9k for bball, but 15k at gymnastics is great) arena with more boxes and better experience. They are still considering options, but wouldn’t be surprised if this ends up as part of the downtown development. I hope it stays on campus, but not that optimistic. The U just got the last 50 acres of Ft. Douglas.
This isn’t about athletics, Harlan and Randall don’t give a rats ass about anything that isn’t football. It’s just them pandering to out of state students by building more dorms and trying to make the U a destination University. As a student Im not happy because every year they take out parking and build more housing and increase enrollment, while not accounting for class sizes and parking. These bozos should lose their jobs.
There’s a logical reason they are doing this and trying to increase enrollment though. It goes beyond just future conference realignment where they were told this was one of the thresholds for B1G membership down the line. Universities are going to see steep declines in enrollment across the nation as there are less children being born compared to previous generations, less people taking the college route(specifically men not wanting to go deep into debt and choosing blue collar work instead), and of course increased competition for the people that do decide to go to a university.
Does this mean the practice facilities will move as well or stay where they are? My bet is they want this real estate for additional housing but if they move the area elsewhere, seems like the practice facilities would need to go with it.
It’s far from a done deal. It’s just in planning stages. The money has to be approved by the legislature for all of this masterplan. Does anyone remember the plan. To turn the RES west lot into some kind of fun zone development? Never happened.