Utah @  BYU

I appreciate OnlyU, and others with inside access

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football I appreciate OnlyU, and others with inside access

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    • #144445

      At one time when I lived on the East Coast I lived close to one of our former coach’s high school buddies. He scored us tickets to the UNC game, Louisville game and often provided me a ton of inside information. Like the plan A Utah and Colorado to the Pac12 about 6 weeks before the announcement was made. Before Plan B was even in the news (Texas and Oklahoma) and then of course when it was back to Plan C. I was careful to protect my source, we’ve lost touch since I’m in Colorado, but it was nice to have an inside source.

      Around the 2000-2001 season I knew a Utah basketball walk-on for the Utah basketball team. It was great to get inside information on Majerus but most of what I heard I never shared. I mean some of it was “Majerus” so you are what you put out there.

      I have no inside information now, so appreciate those who do and have established themselves as reputable sources. I appreciate how OnlyU gives tips and then we are all on notice that something big is going to happen.

      Those six weeks from when I heard Utah would be invited to the Pac12 until it finally happened were a roller coaster. Knowing the deal was almost done and should be announced soon, to then hearing they were considering Texas… and all along some people thinking Utah and Colorado was Plan C. No they were Plan A, but at that time you have to consider Texas, I’m not sure Texas has the same luster they once did, but then agonizing over thinking my Utes would be left out because of Texas was heartbreaking. And then Plan C = see Plan A.

      As many have mentioned, I used to be a huge UF.N contributor, but it went downhill, and too much trash was left over and still exists on the new site. I have been there about two times in the past three years. My home is UteHub and will be as long as it stays primarily focused on sports, those who violate board policy are removed and I continue to feel at home here. I’m not easily offended, but I hate wading through 12 pages of politics, religion, and trash to find one good Ute sports post. If you want that go to the DesNews or SLTrib comments section.

      GO UTES!!!!!!! 

      And Tony thanks for the great site!

    • #144448

      Amen to that brother. Go Utes!

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