Welcome to Ute Hub › Forums › They So Poo Poo › I don’t really do much rivalry smack, but….
Seatgeek just sent me an email saying BYU-ECU tickets are available. So for fun I went and checked it out. $8.00. Yes you read that correctly. $8.00
While the cheapest tickets on ticketmaster for the Arizona game that I checked were $64. Though they have a bigger stadium, that is pathetic.
This doesn’t shine a bright light on the Utes.
I got tickets in Pullman on the 50 about 15 rows up for $50.
Does the LDS church subsidize ticket prices? That could be a factor.
Uh…. It’s Seatgeek… aka open market pricing there. Supply = demand. follow?
You’d be surprised by their reach, @pedro.
Get in the game for $8, go buy one of those cougar dong doughnuts for $10(?), and leave without even glancing at the game.
$18 for a donut is a little over priced imo
A little google-foo has revealed that those doughnuts are $5 and roughly 2,200 calories. I may have a word to say about the wisdom of such dietary choices…
It’s meant to feed the average family of 8.
Thumbs up for “cougar dong”