I don\'t see the need to split every category up

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site Comments and Suggestions I don\'t see the need to split every category up

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    • #177

      I’d much rather be able to read all categories at once rather than have to check each category. I think most of us are interested in more than just one sport. Kinda seems really stupid to me to have each category separated out.

      I miss the old utefans.net before webmonkey p**sed off everyone, it was perfect.

    • #180

      I agree, plus maybe an option to hide unwanted categories

      • #390
        Tony (admin)

        You can currently (it’s day one so in day two it might change!) go to the forums menu item and click recent posts. That will show all the posts not filtered by category. If you want to respond though, it will take you into that specific forum.

        There will be formatting things which will be cool, and some will suck. Many, including me, are used to the UFN formatting but in order to have “categories” they have to split. That doesn’t mean down the road I might be able to work some PHP wizardry to create a threaded, all-topic layout though.

        This is just DAY ONE! Just imagine.

        • #391
          Tony (admin)

          Yes, a great idea to hide unwanted categories.

          I’m going to create a suggestion thread and I’m sure everyone will have some great ideas. We will work this to be as good as it can be.

          • #402

            In split screen views like the forums index and the reply window, the column to the right displays the “site wide activities” list. I think it would be much better to display the “recent posts” list if at all possible.

            I think one big reason for UB5 getting cast as the ALUF board was that all too frequently the entire activity menu was dominated by religion/politics due to a few high volume posters in those threads. Because that right side column is going to be the way most users intuitively navigate (proven by UB5) Replacing the “site wide activities” list with a “recent posts” in the column is critical to preventing a few posters with very special interests from dominating the perceived top discussions.

            • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by jrj84105.
    • #334

      Agree. I think this is a big reason why Utahby5 stalled. For a new site there simply isn’t enough volume to make it worth clicking on every category. The activity stream on the right will functionally be a “hot” or “controversial” list and will become dominated by political/religious stuff. I would suggest keeping it simple with few categories:
      1) Sports: all of them.
      2) Religion/Politics/BYU: the stuff that needs to be sequestered.
      3) Miscellaneous

      If we get over some threshold like three pages of posts in a day on any topic, then it deserves its own forum. Otherwise it’s better to limit the subdivision.

      • #356

        I like this idea. red star. I’ve seen multiple boards loose traction by splitting everything early and being too difficult to navigate. Start simple.

    • #362

      Agree. Put all topics/threads on one page (although the recent posts section does this now), make categories.

      • This reply was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by rbmw263.
    • #385

      Um, anyway to ban people? I’d rather not have to see certain User names, ^^^^^like the one way up top.

      Thanks for setting up the board.

    • #394
      Tony (admin)

      Regarding banning people, if trolls come in or people exhibit bad behavior or post porn spam or something, they WILL have to be banned.

      You might be thinking of “hiding” a particular user’s posts, which is a great idea as well, but probably hard to implement right away.

    • #432

      I really like the activity tab up at the top. That way I don’t have to click each topic to see if anything is new. Great site so far!

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