I finally got around to seeing End Game (no spoilers)

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    • #95296
      Larry B

      If you bring a baby into a three hour movie and don’t leave when said baby starts crying, you shouldn’t have children.

      Otherwise I thought the movie was pretty good. I saw Captain Marvel the night before and actually enjoyed it more than End Game.

    • #95298

      Opening night at 8 pm. Some dumbass brought a 1 year old. I hate MORE laws but seriously that’s neglect and annoying to everyone that paid way too much for food and a movie. 

      I would just EXPECT a policy or something against this from the theater. 

    • #95299

      I didn’t see any movies in theater when my kids were that young or I got family to take them. 

    • #95306

      I’m understanding of crying kids and babies on flights because there isnt a good travel alternative. Doesn’t even bother me. However, a late movie showing is just rude to drag your young child to that. There is no valid reason to be so inconsiderate of others and your kid like that.

      • #95335

        Agreed! My kids are 4 &2 and they only see matinee kids movies.

    • #95359

      Same when I saw it last weekend. The kid (maybe 4 or 5) wasn’t crying, but literally would NOT SHUT UP through the entire 3 hours. Makes those quiet, impactful moments a bit less so when you have a kid yelling “MOM, IS THAT THOR? LOOK AT BADGUY GO BOOM!” at the top of his lungs. Mom never even gave the kid so much as a “shhh” the entire time. I was fuming.

      I’ve got kids, and I know how wound up they can get. But for hell’s sake, take them out if they’re a distraction to literally everyone else in the theater.

      Disclaimer: I’m much more tolerant when it’s a “kids” movie. I would have little issue with kids jabbering through Toy Story, for example.

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