Utah @  UCF

I find it amusing

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo I find it amusing

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    • #193234

      That the CB has many more posts about Cam Rising’s status than any Utah board. They have an obsession with anything Utah related.

    • #193239

      Yeah it is quite remarkable, isn’t it?… Who cares about the stupid zoobs? They’ll just be more disappointed after Utah doesn’t flop like they think we will.

      • #193240

        Utah could go undefeated, but one of those wins could be over a team with a losing record, whereby we’d only won by a FG, and zoob nation would call it a “flop”. And I know this to be true. We’d already seen it in 2008.

        On the flip side, the tdS could eke out 6 wins, and back into the worst bowl in the conference, and they’d call that season a success.

        The zoobs are now who they’ve always been, and we’d always known them to be. Hypocrites.

    • #193245

      The zoobs are a jilted lover who can’t let go of their ex. I think a restraining order is in order.

    • #193246
      Tony (admin)

      They’re annoying, and they manage to suck a lot of people into their idiotic, childish ideas and penis measuring contests. One of the many reasons I’m disappointed we’re back in a league with them. They say a rising tide raises all ships? The zoo sure as hell does’t raise anything. They’re the opposite of a rising tide.

    • #193248

      IDK why they care they’ll never play him again. Frankly they should want him to play so our underclassmen have less experience.

    • #193249

      Yes the CB is fun to visit sometimes because they talk more about Utah football than anything else on there. I think they are just desperate to get a leg up on Utah right now, so it’s a hot topic when anything negative happens at Utah.

    • #193251

      Proudute, I have no problem with you whatsoever, keep being you… I just have to say I find it amusing that you (a Ute fan) post about how amusing it is that TSPP fans post about Utah stuff.

      I think it’s probably better if we just ignore it. Delusional people aren’t fixed when you point out their delusions, they just mock you for not joining them.

      • #193253

        Our posts about the zoobs are few and far between. In fact, I think we’re gun shy to post about them for fear of looking as childish as they do.

      • #193265

        I do not and will not post anything negative about their players, coaches, or their institution. I find that inappropriate and in fact there are many of their players and coaches that I like.

        What p**ses me off most about the CB and fellow tweeters is their attempts to belittle the Utes. They will do anything they can to try to make us look bad in the cyber world. They have done so on Big 12 boards, etc. In time our fellow Big 12 schools will understand which fans are the obnoxious fans. They not only hate everything about the Utes, they hate Boise, USU, Wyoming, SDSU, Oregon, etc. Essentially if you are not one of them, you are the enemy.

        I will also add this disclaimer, the BYU fans that I know personally are all good people. The CB seems to attract extremists who do not practice the religion they profess to believe. It is so full of anger and hatred. I suspect that it is an outlet for some BYU fans to be angry and spiteful anonymously and be able to go to church on Sunday and act like …

        I am LDS and I am very proud to be a Utah fan. I have been for over 60 years.

        • #193267

          No need to defend yourself here my friend. You are clearly a great fan.

          I’m glad this website doesn’t seem to have attracted many (if any at all) irrationally hateful Ute fans (there are a handful of them out there, I’m glad they aren’t here). I think the discussion around our team is about as kool-aid free as you could possibly expect from such a fan discussion board.

        • #193286

          I’d posted this before, but last Winter/Spring, there were a bevy of zoobies on cougarboard bragging about creating fake Utah Twitter handle accounts to rile up Big 12 fans, to make Utah fans look bad. They used the very real Ute fan “Pig Bus” as their inspiration, but basically echoed his commentary in an attempt to make it look like there wasn’t anything anomalous about his attitude. They’d also retweet other Ute fans admitting that if given a choice, they’d rather stay in the Pac-12 than join the Big 12 — even though the context of these expressed preferences weren’t an attempt to insult anyone. Just that we liked being in the Pac-12 better, with our preferred rivalries, inside our preferred geographical domain, and located in more interesting tourist spots than places like Ames, Lawrence, Stillwater, Lubbock, Morgantown, et al. And all just to further inflame their fan bases. ybU-p may have an Honor Code, but zoobies have no honor.

          But yes, like you’d said, they’ll find out about the true natures of both our fan bases soon enough. They can only fake it for so long. They can’t suppress their “instinct” for long.

          • #193290
            Tony (admin)

            This is a great example of the childish garbage I’ve quite enjoyed being away from for most of the last decade.

          • #193303

            CB and their tweeter friends feel justified in doing anything they can to hurt Utah. They got to online polls and vote 100s of times. They refer to this as jimmering the polls. 75% of the CB posters are twisted individuals who believe that hate and spite are justified.

            All that being said, I understand from friends and relatives that there are Utah fans on Twitter (I do not use Twitter) who are equally obnoxious. My disdain for their posts is the same for the obnoxious CB posts. I say – grow up, be a fan, and stop acting like you are somehow better than a fan of another team.

    • #193261

      They find anything they can to convince themselves of whatever narrative they want about Utah fans.

      For example they will say that Utah fans are out of our minds obsessed with BYU because a half dozen or so Ute fans post somewhat sporadically on CB. (I haven’t visited CB in awhile so there might be a few more or less give or take.) But they will ignore the thousands of comments in one week about Utah on there. They do more comments about Utah in a day or two than comments here on UteHub about BYU in a whole year.

      But we’re obsessed with them. Yea right.

      It’s usually pretty easy to counter their claims. Just simple logic which they ignore – they ignore sound logic in favor of illogical mob rule – their numbers convince themselves of whatever they want:

      Like BYU being Pac12 Champs in 2021.

      Or tOSU played their practice squad in the Rose Bowl.

      Or Penn State was a lousy team that Utah lost to since Penn State was 3rd in the B1G.

      Or Utah playing in a Rose Bowl isn’t a big deal.

      Or the Pac12 has been by far the worst football conference.

      Or Utah will end up in the MWC.

      On and on and on. Junior high level nonsense that they convince themselves of since they have 500 comments a day about Utah and the sheer volume of junior high level comments allows them to paint whatever narrative they want and believe it.

    • #193272

      I don’t think I could name a single player on their team. No, wait, that Kingsley guy who transferred in from BAma, right?

    • #193273

      Jealousy is the highest form of flattery.

    • #193295

      I’ll admit that I occasionally go over there, but I actually have all the sports categories unchecked (so only travel, business, misc is left). But I also delight that my work computer has no problem with ute forums but for CB, it’s even uglier and harder to use, so essentially blocked (like white page with individual links to a post). Jefe keeps the 90s Netscape look going, gets the volume, and rakes it in. Controversy and Ute talk just drives the $$$.

    • #193298

      They’re so vain, I bet they think this song is about them.

    • #193304
      UofU Fanatic

      At the same time it is a little funny that the BYU posts here seem to get the most replies. That being said I do like these Y posts too

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