My job is to make people paranoid about the threats they face. I do Social Media briefings once or twice a month. Trust me, I’m not ignorant, and probably understand the topic better than most, I just find it troubling that we have to be so vigilant to keep 9 year-old kids from being stalked online. Spear-phishing, social media, are a part of my everyday work life.
This is just the tip of the iceberg my friends. You can complain about the NSA or other programs all you want, but to me the bigger threat is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and data aggregators. You can find anything about anyone online making us less insulated than we used to be. I don’t think the world is more evil than it was when I was growing up, but I do think we are being duped into giving up our right to privacy most times we go on the internet.
There is a flashlight app out there which is huge, and by downloading it and using it you give the app developer permission to access your location services, and various other functions, system information, see the link below for a report on flashlight apps and what privacy you give up.
As I said this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Warning: If you click on the following link it will download a PDF to your computer. A report about the top 10 data stealing flashlight apps.