Utah @  BYU

I heard a snippet on the morning news

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    • #126245
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      That Harlan said that he is going to work hard to make the BYU game happen.  I didn’t hear anything more than that.  Does anyone know more details?


    • #126248
      Gary Sapp

      What I have seen is that we just go on from here like this year happened normally. 2021 is in Provo and any possibility of rescheduling isn’t possible until 2029, likely we just keep the status quo and hope normal comes back.

      • #126252

        I imagine we will work together to add back the home game.  Wouldn’t say give it up. We will figure it out as the two schools often do.” — Mark Harlan

        As I interpret this comment, Harlan isn’t saying we’re forgiving the return date.  It sounds like he’s moving to push it back.  Per our current future schedules, after 2021…

        1.  Our schedules are all booked up from 2022-24

        2.  The tdS is already scheduled to play us from 2024-28.  The only games Utah has scheduled beyond 2028 are Dixie St in 2030, LSU in 2031, and @ LSU in 2032.

        This suggests to me that Harlan wants the “make up” Home game in 2029.

        Personally, I don’t agree with Harlan’s position of moving our Home game back 9 or more years.  Why should we be so accomodating to the indy-WACers?  It’s not like they’d have been willing to do so likewise with us.  Remember that game we cancelled with the tdS after Dave Rose refused to return any of Larry Krystkowiak’s calls about Emery’s sucker punch?  THAT cancelled game was a “Provo” one in 2016.  And where was the 2017 game played?  It was “originally” scheduled to have been played in SLC.  But it wasn’t.  It was played in Provo, AND we still had to pay them $80K.  

        It’s obvious that the tdS can’t be counted on to act in accordance to what would be deemed “fair play”, so why should WE?  Especially considering that they need these games more than do we.  We should be getting 2-for-1s with them, the same way the cougars used to impose on Utah State.  WE’RE the ones negotiating from the position of power, so why are we bending over for them?  We KNOW what ybU-p would have done had the shoe been on the other foot, so we don’t owe them a damn thing.

        Harlan should have forced the return game in 2021.  I know that would have forced the tdS to play only 5 Home games that year, but they’d have done the same thing to us, so f**k ’em!  

        GO UTES!!!

        • #126263

          Going to be some ripple effects, possibly affecting schedules for years to come.  Football schedules and contracts, in particular non-conference matchups, are set up years in advance (we have LSU on our schedule in 2031-2 for example).   With so many of these contracts being home-away, going to be curious to see how things settle down over time.





        • #126265

          Making the people with the stick above his head happy. No Utah shouldn’t be accomodating but the legislature will do vicious things. Cutting funding to a research institution for Cancer isn’t beneath them. 

          • #126305

            Not so sure now that BYU Hughes is out of the picture.

            • #126307

              No, there is the Illuminati mormons that control the legislature. Hughes was just a puppet. Danites I believe they are called. 

              Seriously though the State legislature likes to go after stupid things like this. Also financially I don’t think they are interested in how it benefits the school. They want it to benefit themselves or other business partners. Also not ignoring the fact that many high up CC donors want the game to happen. Financially obviously and the tradition part of it. 

              I have very little interest in it and want it cancelled but I see why people want it to happen. 


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