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I hope the best for Morgan

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    • #124124

      Morgan made a mistake, maybe even more than one, I don’t know.

      I have seen the tweets of support from his current and former players. They do not believe he is racist.

      I cannot judge how African Americans feel about this because I have not walked in their shoes.  I understand their hurt, but I have not felt it as they have.  It is not for me to judge the seriousness of this mistake.

      What I do know – is that outside this mistake, Morgan is a good man, great coach, caring friend, and a good family man.  I hope he doesn’t lose his job over this.

      Just my two cents.

    • #124129
      2 14

      Can he ever again do his job effectively after this? I say no. That’s why I support firing him. It has nothing to do with cancel culture…it has everything to do with the fact that he will no longer be able to recruit and coach effectively.

      • #124133
        9 2

        I’m sorry, but this is a bad take. I’d be willing to bet that the vast majority of guys Scalley has and will recruit going forward are Christian. If they have even the slightest understanding of their own Christian faith, they are essentially required to forgive someone, especially someone who has and will continue to do what he can to make it right. Is it a guarantee that they will see the efforts he did and will make to repair the damage he has done to a few people? No, it’s not… but if he plays this right, and the university doesn’t rob him of the opportunity, he could actually come out on top of all of this. 

        Personally, I would rather have a guy coaching my son who has had his dirty laundry aired for everyone to see, and he did everything he possibly could to make up for what he did… along with a decade of reports from players that say he has not had a similar incident since then. If you aren’t stupid, you know that all of these men have flaws. If players wanted to, I’m sure you could find a handful of guys who could make some pretty terrible and mostly true accusations about every quality football coach in the history of the sport. 

        Our currently national culture seems to have completely forgotten about the concept of forgiveness. I honestly feel bad for the people who are bringing up things he did a decade ago as if it is still bothering them. They are in for a pretty miserable life if they can’t learn to forgive those who are penitent. I don’t get to tell them how they should feel, because I don’t know what it’s like to be them… but in my own personal experience, having been spit on, rocks thrown at me, lit on fire… I could have held on to my anger and frustrations with the people that did these things to me because of the color of my skin, but it was far easier on me to just let it go. That doesn’t mean I condone those actions, or wouldn’t want societal change to put a stop to those behaviors, but anger, and digging up things that people have long since moved on from is NOT the answer.

        I don’t know what the best way for the University to handle this is, but if they fire him, I’m done with sports. Whitt has and always will be all about giving guys chances to redeem themselves. I would be shocked if he doesn’t fight to give Morgan that chance.

        Often times, the people who are the most staunch defenders of a cause are the ones who were once on the other side of the issue. If this is handle in a certain way, I believe Morgan, the football team, the UofU and our community will be better for it. Will that happen? I don’t know. If the players want him to stay on as coach, I think it will happen.

        • #124151
          Central Coast Ute

          I’m sorry but for those of us that live outside of the Utah bubble, this is a bad take. Not because I believe it should not be this way, but because it isn’t this way. From my experience, people in Utah tend to be more forgiving than people in California, where I live, regardless of religious views. It doesn’t matter what you have said and when you said it. It will be held against you for the rest of your life.

          • #124155
            2 3

            And California is critical for recruiting…get it? Scalley is bad for business.  

            Nuff said

            • #124168
              Central Coast Ute

              That’s my point. I know it’s not going to be a popular opinion on these boards, but it’s reality.

      • #124138

        I get your point but I do not totally agree.   

        Also, this issue for me is not about Utah football.  We will survive with or without Morgan.  To me, it is about Morgan the man.  I wish him well.  I also wish everyone well who has been hurt by the stain of racism in America.

        • #124142

          Don’t get me wrong – I’m not saying anything bad about Morgan. I’ve always liked him and I want nothing but the best for him. My reasoning is purely professional: Can he still do his job effectively or not? @chinggiskhaan made a well-reasoned argument that he can. I personally don’t think he can. I think he’s damaged his personal brand in an irreparable way, as far as coaching college football is concerned.

          But what really matters is what do Whit, Harlan, and UU HR think? If they still think he can be an effective DC with this mark on his record, he’ll be back. If they don’t, then Utah will have to go a different direction. Just because I think the latter will happen doesn’t mean I wish harm upon Morgan as a person.

          • #124144

            Yes of course… I know you don’t mean to wish him harm. I just have enough hope in the world that he can be forgiven and come out of this a better man.

      • #124148
        5 2

        Could you imagine if you had a single mistake (which I’m sure we all have) in your life aired out for the world to see and it cost you and your family their livelihood? It is 100% cancel culture. One strike and you are out is a joke.

      • #124154
        2 4

        You know you’re in trouble when I agee with you..

        But you’re correct. Scalley is bad for business and the Utes brand. Utah footbal will bascially become BYU (95% white) if they don’t take swift action. Every PAC12 program will amp up the negative recruiting- He needs to be fired, and quickley.  They need to hire a qualified “person of color” and make a bold statement. You want a competitive program? then you better make the bold statement and not revert to the bubble mentality.  Wonder if kwhitt has it in him to burst the bubble….we’ll see.


        • #124171
          Central Coast Ute

          I dont completely agree here because like BYU, Utah will always be able to recruit polynesian players. Your premise is correct though when it comes to African American players. Scalley will be fired and Shah needs to be his replacement, and maybe even Whitts replacement when he decides to go. Although I won’t be shocked if this somehow lands on Whitt too.

    • #124149
      3 1

      I’ve made lots of mistakes in my life. I’ve said lots of horrible things I wish I could immediately take back.

      Not one of those things has ever been a racial slur.

    • #124159

      I do not think he is a racist. He is admitting to bigotted and bias comments though. 
      Racism is a word that his hurled around far too easily. Maybe it is because it doesn’t take much to go from I hate Zionist(Henry Ford)to let’s put them in camps and gas them. 

      Racism as I always understood it is Jim Crow laws and lynchings. It is pretty synonymous with being an ignorant asshole. 

      • #124162
        1 4

        As an early  Gen X, I grew up in a time that throwing around the N word was never accepatable but was rarely accountable for. If someone in a group (white) threw out the n word ( which was rare in my neck of the woods) it was often processed with a head shake or a shrug. You were disappointed with the person for using the word… but no on was really held accountable for using the word.

        Systemic racism is hard for ordinary white people to get their hands around….we don’t get it.  We were born white, and with that have certian accesses others do not in America.  It doesn’t make us evil, in that we think less of others. Most of us (white) are just trying to make our nut in life, but we neglect those (or ignore) those who don’t have the same access.

        I have know idea how you fix this, Police violence is only a symptom of the problem.   

    • #124173

      We can take time to understand the situation.

      • #124182

        not really, it’s a recruiting nightmare. He can’t stay no matter what the situation.

         Without black guys ( i’m to old to say “people of color”) the Ute football program is BYU

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