In other news the nut job in North Korea test launched a medium range ICBM

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc In other news the nut job in North Korea test launched a medium range ICBM

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    • #26872

      That was all I’ve heard so far.  Something tells me my Colts and my Winchester isn’t going to be sufficient to dispense Justice or protect the Brethren should things escalate

    • #26874
      4 1

      What happens when our nutjob goes after that nutjob?

      • #26876

        I hope we never find out 

        • #26885
          2 2

          I give it less than 6 months before the US is in a war. Trump and his henchmen are looking for a fight.



          • #26889

            That is a frightening idea.  

            • #26897
              2 3

              Frightening but a realistic probability.  Actually I can see the US engaged  in war on multiple fronts.


              • #26904
                Puget Ute

                Sadly there is a bill before congress right now authorizing military action against Iran. This will not go well.

                • #26906

                  War is profitable and good for the economy is what I read somewhere 

          • #26907
            2 7

            Pace Manyung. Ding ding ding! I remember Obama stating during his 2012 campaign that the US would be out of Iraq and the Afgan war by 2014 period. Not only did he lie about that but he led us into two more wars, Syria and libya. So If Trump adds another war whats the big issue?

            So you know. I spent 23 years in the military and several of those years were spent in Military Intelligence. I then spent another six years working for a defense contractor in the same capacity. I often show my coworkers posts like yours and we all get  a good laugh. Know that tomorrow your post will be the joke of the day amongst us that are in the know. 

            Anyone with half a brain knows that you’re the type that if Trump cured cancer and ended world hunger you’d blame him for a World over population problem.

            Bottom line. Your blind politics are getting in the way of reality.

            Truthfully I feel dirty for responding to your adolescent posts.


            • #26911
              6 1

              Bottom line. Your blind politics are getting in the way of reality.

              By all means, please do let us plebes know what “reality” is then. Because it sure as hell feels like this administration is itching for a fight.

              • #26920
                2 5

                Yes Skiny looking at your political posts you are a plebe when it comes to what’s really happening in the world. I know it hurts your fealings but the truth is the truth.

                Trump is keeping it in the open for all of us little people to see. We haven’t seen that from a republican or democrat POTUS since WWII and it scares all of us. Welcome to reality.

                Truth be known. I’m a big fan of your non political posts.

                • #26923
                  6 1

                  Hey, If I’ve learned anything over the past few weeks at UteHub, it’s that all conservative viewpoints are correct, informed, and infallible, and that all liberal viewpoints – regardless of how mildly they may be expressed – are filled with nothing but seething rage, hate, and blind ignorance.

                  I guess I’ll just have to learn to live with that failing.

                  Trump is keeping it in the open for all of us little people to see. We haven’t seen that from a republican or democrat POTUS since WWII and it scares all of us. Welcome to reality.

                  Let’s just say I could not possibly disagree with you more on this point. Baseless threats and accusations != “keeping it in the open”. I will agree that it scares us, but not for the reasons you think.

                  • #26927
                    1 2

                    Liberal viewpoints expressed mildly? You may want to go back and reread some of those liberal posts to include yours. 

                     As for rage? Who’s protesting, rioting, breaking windows, looting and burning private property. Let me give you a hint. Not the hateful Trumpsters.

                    I could go on but I feel bad about making you look stupid all in one day.

                    • #26929
                      4 1

                      Edit: never mind, not worth it

                      Is it possible to simply delete posts here?

            • #26912
              10 1

              Um, jump master, thanks for your service. But your own bias is kind of showing.

              • #26922
                1 4

                Thanks ladyinred. Trust me it isn’t biased. I watched the campaign race from the begining and I couldn’t find a canidate on the left or right that I wanted to support to include Trump. My choice was made by the fact that Hillary was corrupt and had socialist tendances. I lived in two differant socialist countries and though they’re nice to visit I would never live there.

                • #26935
                  7 1

                  Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I have watched all the debates and political theater for many years as well, and I came to the exact opposite conclusion. I won’t pretend that Obama was perfect or didn’t disappoint me at times, but I do believe that he meant what he said that he wanted to get the troops out by 2014, while the situation eventually wouldn’t allow for it. Whether you call it a lie or wishful thinking depends on your bias, and I don’t believe anyone who says they are not biased, sorry.

                  Now we have Trump, who has said he wants to pull out of Nato, and has given Europe plenty of reason already that he’s not interested in them. The EU has already had discussions about their need to militarize in the near future. I know this because I was in Germany at the time it was discussed and it was on the news, in addition to the fact that Poland has ordered a new paramilitary troup established by the end of this year because they feel threatened by their newly emboldened neighbor to the east. This is a deeply concerning trend imo.

                  • #26946

                    I’m not biased I dispensed Justice equally to Gentiles and Apostates in my prime 🙂

                    • #26952

                      Oh ok then, you’re the unicorn. 😍

                  • #26948

                    Something just occurred to me.
                    Wouldn’t benefit business in the United States and our exports if countries in Europe started establishing stronger military’s, and subsequently needing to buy additional military equipment?
                    Look, before any of you get your panties in a wad I am not advocating military buildup in Europe. I think that is a mistake. But perhaps there is a small silver lining for the United States economy here, one that would allow for a slight reduction in our military spending because these companies won’t be so dependent upon the United States buying their gear.
                    Just trying to think outside of the box.

                    • #26950

                      The companies that sell military equipment already have plentiful customers outside the Us. I think Israel is already the biggest customer, among others.

                      We saw what happened the last time some European countries had military might and far right wing leaders (watch le pen get elected in France soon). It’s hard for me to find a silver lining but I’ll try!

            • #26913

              Question, because I don’t know the answer.  Did Obama lie or did the situation on the ground change that forced him to change his withdrawal plans?  

              • #26915


                • #26916

                  Yes he lied? Yes the situation changed? Yes to both?

                  • #26919

                    Sorry, that snarky response was funnier in my head. 🙂

                    A bit of both, from what I can gather. A very public “we’re getting out!” declaration (whether you view that as a blatant lie or a spot of misguided hopeful optimism likely falls along party affiliation lines), followed by a cold dose of “oh s**t, we really can’t do that” reality.

              • #26924
                1 1

                PorterRockwell. During the 2012 debate between Romney and Obama the question was asked of when our troops would be out of Afganistan and Iraq.  Romney stated that he would like to have them out by 2014 but it depended on the situation. On the same question Obama stated no matter what all US forces would be out by 2014. We all know what happened. 

                If you don’t believe me go to youtube and pull up the 2012 debate.

                • #26926

                  I’ve no reason to doubt you.  I really didn’t know what the situation was also I asked   I appreciate you answering. 

          • #26918

            When did we stop being at war. We have troops deployed in so many places it’s hard to keep track.

      • #26878

        Reminds me of Mad Magazine Spy vs Spy now in real life.

    • #26914
      1 1

      My hope is that Mad Dog Mattis is the only one with the stones in that administration to tell Trump where to shove it.

      Then Trump will tweet about him.

      • #26931

        Mattis will fight a war to win vs occupy a country. 

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