Arizona State @  Utah

I really dislike this game. It messes with my Chi

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo I really dislike this game. It messes with my Chi

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    • #101057
      6 10

      The fun gets drained from it because it reverts to 90% of stuff that isn’t sports related (stadium size, conference affiliation, academics).  I’ll be glad when it’s over.  Twitter is a mess right now.  Utah fans are attacking Zach Wilson’s mom (which is really disappointing) and Wilson’s mom is dishing it right back out (sad).  I’m done with Twitter till after Labor Day. 

      Too many Utah fans and BYU fans are idiots (but I think most of the blame is on Utah’s side).  I still have PTSD growing up during Lavell’s years when they reeled off 18 of 20.  That was miserable and unbearable as a kid.  I feel bad for the BYU kids who are currently going through the same thing with 8 losses in a row.  It’s brutal.  Be the better person and at a minimum be civil (particularly in a forum like facebook, twitter where your interacting with strangers).  And if you are interacting on social media then don’t be an ass and completely one sided.  Throw in a few compliments BYU’s way as well.    


    • #101067

      Not living in Utah, I don’t see or deal with a lot of the garbage. But I will be happy when this game is over simply because the posts on this forum won’t be full of wonk. It must be different living in Utah, but Utah fans do not get this personal or tangential for any game other than BYU. Utah fans may justify their actions by saying, we are just doing it because that is what BYU fans do… but I don’t see why that matters.

      Let them do them.

      For those that profess that this game is just another game and does not mean anything anymore–start acting like it as a fan. I am all for having fun with the rivalry, but try to be above the fray and gracious. 

      My favorite road games as a Utah fan were Notre Dame and Michigan. One of the primary reasons was how great the home team fans treated me. Yes, there were jerks, too. But they were the minority. Let’s try to keep the jerks in our fan base to the minority. 

      • #101070

        I generally just read this board, the Utefans board and a facebook group.  Sad some people (not sure I would want to call them fans) are posting attacks against opposing player’s family (and glad I’ve not seen those tweets/postings).  

        Let’s keep it classy and let every fan from opposing fan bases visiting Rice-Eccles leave with a good impression.



    • #101068

      You think most of the blame is on Utah’s side?????????? How do you breath inside that vacuum…….

    • #101071

      take a peek at cougarboard (if you dare) and tell me if you think Utah’s fans are causing most of the problem.

      • #101075

        OK, looks like below there were a few comments about the family member in question.

        As far as Cougarboard goes, NEVER go there.  Just too ugly.   We have our share of nasty fans in our fanbase, but CB seems to take it to a new level (like when they reportedly were hoping for Ute injuries on Thursday) and I would hope that CB is just the worst of their fanbase and not really representative of them as a whole. (Certainly the BYU fans I work with here in Lehi aren’t like that)



    • #101072
      6 1

      You nailed it, Sweetgrass.  When I start getting p**sed off at their fans I try to think of my many BYU friends that are totally rational and cool about things.  They’re super-frustrated about their program in general and will grasp at any ray of light that might shine on the program (Zach Wilson).  I do feel bad, but at the same time, I too had my teen years in the ’80s and had to endure all of those brutal seasons.  What goes around comes around, I guess.  I think the biggest problem for your average BYU fan is that they realize this isn’t a phase the programs are going through, but rather the way things are going to be from now on (or until the SEC invites BYU).  If I were a BYU fan, I think my college football fandom would be in serious trouble.

      Anyway.  I’ll be glad when this game is in our rear-view mirror.  I want that game at The Colosseum in a few weeks BAD.  

    • #101078
      17 2

      You have legislature members that have decided to cut state funding to a University owned hospital if they drop TDS. They wasted tax money auditing the University to find out keys were missing.

      Don’t ever tell me that Utah fans make it more personal than TDS supporters. The real problem here has always been that school and it’s true values being exposed. Honor code office attacking rape victims? Do we need to see anymore. I won’t be satisfied until Utah no longer plays them.

      I do not enjoy the rivalry because they always make it beyond personal. F**k em all and their group think. As far as the idiotic things said on social media? Who cares. Social media was created by morons and it now connects billions of morons.

      • #101081

        EagleMountainUte, I really like the way you think!

        • #101098

          I didn’t see anything about 15 sacks in that post.

          • #101105

            I won’t be happy with anything less than 15 sacks on Wilson.

            • #101109

              Miami gave up at least 10, so that’s not unreasonable.

    • #101093
      3 2

      Just stop visiting ***.net. That place is a cesspool.

      • #101096

        I leave the politics OFF on that site.  Sometimes a page or two is completely empty (no doubt angry people arguing).   Hey I just want to talk about the Utes with ALL of our fanbase no matter who they are.


        • #101116

          A page or 2?  The last sports related post on that site was in 2017.

      • #101104

        ^voted for trump

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