I think we might see a different offensive gameplan for Washington.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football I think we might see a different offensive gameplan for Washington.

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    • #16987

      Whitt may want to take some shots early.  Seems like from the presser he is hoping Patrick is healthy.  Utah needs to score points and quickly in the first half.  Hopefully with Joe Williams Utah can improve the offense in the Redzone.  

      Winning the trenches clearly Whitt sees how strong Washington is on both sides of the ball.  

      Xfactors? Can Troy Williams ball out?  I think we can expect TWill to leave it all on the field this saturday.  Would be nice to see that fourth quarter of the USC game Troy Williams all game.  


      I am watching UCLA game again as I type this and Williams runs are amazing he is busting forward ten yards so quickly.  The oline is springing him, this is what Roderick/Harding needed to start the season. The safety’s for UCLA took awful angles and also played back to contain Utah’s passing attack.  Washington is going to have to key on Joe Williams, this should open things up.

      That two point conversion play Utah ran against UCLA?  Really sharp the play calling is starting to come together with personal in place. 

    • #16991
      Tony (admin)

      We saw Moss a bit in the UCLA game, which helps.  Hope all the dings and injuries, especially Patrick’s, are healing quickly. 

      I’m still very concerned about our D’s ability to rush passers.

    • #17090

      Early in the game I hope the Utes mix in a good number of play action passes and catch the Washington safeties cheating to stop Joe. If we can burn them deep early, watch Joe pick up steam as the game wears on.

      I’m not sure what has happened with Joe, but he seems to see the field so much better now…maybe it’s just a case of the o line coming together and giving him gaps. Before retirement he appeared to miss the holes that were there…now he’s a missile hitting those holes.

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