I want out of this s**tty conference.

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    • #234854
      7 19

      The playoff is going to be a god damn s**t show, this conference and its teams have decided to make us pay, up to and including injuring our players… Major college football is just complete bulls**t at this point. It would be more enjoyable if we were in FCS fer f**k’s sake. Let’s see if we can rejoin the Pac-12. WTH have we to lose at this point?

    • #234859


      • #234892
        2 1

        How much does a soul cost?

        • #234940

          Apparently, not as much as you might think.

    • #234870
      5 5

      The new PAC will be ass. Not to mention, only about 8 mil per year instead of 33 mil. Don’t let your emotions drive that. I’m a BYU fan and said immediately that it was a dirty tackle on Wilson, but don’t blame the Big 12 for that. Also, ASU, who came from the PAC has the trashiest fan base in America. What they showed today was dispicable. Also, their coach is a dick.

      • #234984
        Central Coast Ute

        ASU does have a trashy fanbase. So does ISU, TTU, and Cincy, and Baylor. And let’s not pretend that the play Rising was injured on against Baylor wasn’t dirty and also went uncalled.

    • #234875
      The Miami Ute

      Money talks and bulls**t walks. I also would like to leave the Big 12 yesterday but Utah, the entity, isn’t walking away from the $50M it receives annually from the conference. The only realistic course of action is to hold your nose and try do as well as you can until the next round of realignment.

      • #234906
        China Rider

        Bad job, bad marriage, bad conference. Money should never come into play when you know it is not working. New PAC 12 looks like a safe harbor to tread until the money comes around again and it will. If I were Randall, I’d be making phone calls.

    • #234888

      Utah sucks but they getting a bag so meh.

    • #234914
      6 5

      Utah fans should not expect pleasant treatment when they have acted like entitled a$$holes since joining the conference.

      The B10 did not want us. Simple.

      The B12 was and is our best option. Also simple.

      No good comes from making ourselves to be the most hated team and fanbase. It certainly does not improve chances of B10 entrance.

      • #234917
        China Rider

        In regards to the Big 12, this fan boy will always be a entitled a$$hole.

      • #234924
        Tony (admin)

        Who acted like this? A few twitter trolls? Really. I mean, I had us 9-3 with a healthy Cam.

      • #234965
        Steven L Anderson

        You dont have to worry much about becoming the most hated team in Conf.

        BYU already has that wrapped up.

        • #235000

          I think ASU is giving you guys a run for most hated fan base in the Conference. They were a disgrace yesterday. BYU is surprisingly liked by this new league. Give it a few years though, and hopefully we will be most hated again. That would mean that we are winning consistently. Also, the religious bigotry always is a big factor.

          • #235005
            2008 National Champ

            bigotry is a two way street, especially when it comes to religion

    • #234931

      There are photos on Twitter of refs taunting fans in the NEZ. Can anyone who was there tell us what was said?

      • #234968

        I posted the article talking about it. Of course it is a far away angle. No one up close thought to film it down there because probably pretty stupid s**t was being said to the ref.

    • #234981

      I agree, BUT let’s first play with a healthy team like we belong in a B1G conference. Right now, we are a bottom feeder Big12 team in a conference that’s getting disrespected by the CFP and fanbases in the two big conferences. We need to play like we are the pre-season Big12 favorites and the rest will work itself out. Go UTES!

    • #235001
      2 2
      USS Utah

      The Pac was badly managed — as demonstrated by its dissolving in 2023. But joining the Pac was Utah’s Jefferson’s moment (movin’ on up). With apologies to the Big 12 — obviously better managed and still extant — the move was a lateral one from one power conference to another, and a bit of a move to a lifeboat (again, apologies to the Big 12, it’s not your fault the Pac imploded). Still, I miss the Pac. I never felt unwelcome in the Pac, even if Utah had to earn its place at first. Thanks to arrogant Utah fans talking about dominating the Big 12, and BYU fans poisoning the well, a lot of Big 12 fans seem rightly annoyed with Utah fans. There have been times when I felt like I should apologize for Utah accepting the invite.

      • #235060

        No way that the move from the PAC to the B12 was a lateral one. The PAC had USC, Oregon, and UW. The B12 has nobody even close to that level. It’s an elite basketball conference and that’s about it.

        • #235094
          2008 National Champ

          I’ve purposely avoided saying anything bad about the Big12 other than that I would rather be in a west coast conference. But I do wish Big12 school / fan would recognize that Utah joining that conference without Oklahoma and Texas in it would be like any of their teams joining a PAC-12 without USC, UCLA, Oregon and Washington. They wouldn’t be any happier than we are now

        • #235102
          USS Utah

          Pretty sure staying in a Pac-12 WITH USC, UCLA, Oregon and Washington was not an option.

          Pac-12 without those four teams and Big-12 without OU and Texas were the only two options.

          Based on that, it was a lateral move, though current B12 fans might argue that the Big-12 without OU and Texas is better than whatever a remnant Pac-12 would have been if Utah, UA, and ASU had stayed.

    • #235098

      All true things for me.

      1. We would look terrible in ANY conference this year with what has happened.
      2. I don’t like the B12 and it wasn’t my desired destination
      3. The places I’d rather be either disappeared or didn’t want us
      4. College FB is imploding due to $$, Realignment games, NIL, and transfers so it probably won’t matter in 5 years.

    • #235108

      The next step is what it has always been, what it is in any conference. We need to win consistently here before we have anything to say, before we have an opinion that can be taken seriously. Conference realignment was a reset, what once was is of little consequence. I guess you could call it unburdened by what has been. Goodness that sounds dumb.

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