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I wish UteFans would come back up.

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    • #24463
      10 3

      There needs to be a place for Ute fans to complain about religion and politics.  I personally, like a site dedicated to Utah athletics.  I am very interested in politics, but I can go elsewhere to discuss such things.

      I know that I can uncheck the “politics” box and I have done so.  But, it seems that religion and politics flow over to other topics.  

      I would like to just have a site where I can go to simply enjoy Utah sports and not worry about the other problems of the world for a few moments.  I can turn on cable TV or talk radio if I want to hear about those things.


    • #24472
      Newbomb Turk

      I wish that it would come back up a well.  But it appears to be dead.  It also appears that anyone who can do anything about it either doesn’t know (unacceptable) or just doesn’t care.

    • #24475

      UFN had their share of posts showing up in the wrong categories, but used to have moderators who could move posts back into the appropriate place.


      Comes down to users having the common courtesy to keep politics out of sports sections (and vice versa).  Makes for a friendlier board.  (And thank goodness this board has the feature to uncheck politics as it keeps the site much friendlier).



    • #24476
      Riot West

      UFN bad apple

    • #24480
      Tacoma Ute

      Amen. Politics is important but sometimes I need a break from it. I think the reason I don’t enjoy it on sports boards is that regulars on the boards seem like friends and I like getting along with them and feeling positive about them. That’s why I almost never argue politics with friends. It inevitably leads to name calling and condescension from both sides. Sometimes I just need an oasis to get away from that.

      When two people with opposing and strongly entrenched views argue politics nothing constructive or positive comes from it. More often than not it just p**ses both parties off. Many of my very favorite posters hold strongly different views from mine. That doesn’t bother me. I still love talking Utes with them.

      Oddly, the one ufn poster that I truly dislike seems to hold fairly similar views to mine. Somehow he got it in his mind that I’m a flaming communist. Lol

    • #24491
      5 1

      There is a mechanism for not seeing the political category on this site.  In addition, the site is well-moderated enough that we won’t get the spillover effect into other categories.  Finally, I think it’s unrealistic to expect a site such as this to not have some political discussion.  During the off-season, there isn’t much to discuss in the realm of Ute sports, and people need something to chat about.  That’s what building a community is all about.  You may not be aware of this, but there are some people who have made friends with each other on Utefans, and the same thing will happen on Utehub.  Friends often like to share their thoughts with each other on a myriad of subjects.  Why fear the development of a cohesive community with a variety of voices?  Isn’t it possible to still be friends, and to still discuss mutual interests with those that you might disagree with politically?  I think some folks here just need to develop a thicker skin and accept that the community might chat on a broader set of topics.

      • #24519
        Newbomb Turk

        Agree.  I know this will be hard to believe for some folks, but I have a couple of really good friends that I met on Utefans that are Trump supporters.

        When I originally signed on to Utefans ten years ago, I knew exactly three people on the board.  Over the years I have met and become friends with quite a few more.

    • #24495

      Does anybody want to go back and find out what the ratio is of political treads to threads bitching about political threads? I have a feeling it’s close to 1:1.

      • #24498

        And the bitching about politics threads are never posted in the right category either. lol. And usually started by someone who got fact slapped earlier. 

        I stand by my earlier suggestion: Automatic 1 week ban for anyone whining about too many political threads that is posted in a non-politics forum. 

        Even if you are complaining about politics, it is still politics. Put it in the damn politics category. It isn’t that hard. 

        • #24511

          What about people complaining about people complaining?  I don’t think the time-space continuum is equipped to handle such a conundrum!  

    • #24502
      Tacoma Ute

      Last I checked the ufn Twitter there wasn’t even any talk about the current outage. My guess is that if it’s not back up on the first it’s probably toast. Who knows though?

      • #24545

        I’ve made a couple “Hello, is there anybody home” posts on the UFN Facebook page, and got no response. I can only assume it’s dead for good this time.

        • #24547
          Tacoma Ute

          Sadly I think you’re right. It’s a shame. That site used to be hoppin!

    • #24505

      I’m gonna pull a trick out of Moose’s own playbook…

      UFN won’t shut down, eh?

      The whistle has been blown.

      • #24514

        Noted on UFN a few times (and same goes for this site), that if I had the politics category turned on, there are other posters whose Ute sports related postings I enjoy, whom  I would need to block because they have completely opposite political viewpoints than I do.  Fortunately by hiding categories, I can enjoy what they have to say about the Utes and not have to see what they say about other unpleasant matters.


        • #24516

          I find this interesting. I don’t pay attention to who says what. I find it is easier this way and doesn’t let someone’s bad post earlier (and we all have them, I’ve had some stupid posts out there and have immeidately apologized for them) cloud what they are saying now. So, if I don’t agree with you in a political post, I can still enjoy your Utah posts. 

          Anyways, polite disagreements are what makes us better. If no one ever disagreed with each other, we’d never progress, we’d never learn. 

    • #24521
      Riot West

      At the end of the day, UFN bad apples chased the I-can’t-quit-you-BYU posters from UFN to cougarboard and not to utehub. Time to flip that scout badge right side up!

    • #24522
      Tony (admin)

      Thanks for this discussion.  I agree with many of your sentiments.  You can uncheck a category on the home page to filter and we should do our best to post in the right category to make the experience the best for everyone.  You should notice that unchecking a category does not result in “blank” pages like UFN.  That’s because of a smarter setup.  I have to run to an interview but I’ll be back to discuss more.

      Regarding UFN being up or down: I suspect that IF anyone who owns/runs it cared at all it would be fixed by now.  They may have simply done a quick glance to see that it loads, saw that a page loaded, and left without noticing the content isn’t new or that login is broken.  Or they have not looked at all.  Either way that doesn’t happen here.

    • #24525
      Tacoma Ute

      Thanks for all you do Tony! Also I think everyone is doing a good job of proper categorization.

    • #24527
      Tacoma Ute

      I looked at Monkey’s Facebook page and I didn’t notice any mention of ufn. Very puzzling that he didn’t sell it when he could have since he obviously has lost interest in it. A real head scratcher.

    • #24575
      Tony (admin)

      Which one of you agro-steroid heads personally accosted someone via boardmail?

      I went over to UteHub while this board was down for whatever reason. I made a single post about UIX of UH and I got personally accosted over boardmail. I’ll never go back to UteHub ever again. Bunch of agro-steroid heads over there. user for life now. P**s on UteHub

    • #24577
      Tony (admin)

      Well now this is funny. I was searching for something related to this thread and went to the UFN link above. Then back here while looking around I accidentally found this comment about Ute Hub from 2015:

      It’s much better than any other ute forum already.

      Guess who wrote it LOL….

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