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ICYMI: Ute Hub Mobile App Updated

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Ute Hub Site ICYMI: Ute Hub Mobile App Updated

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    • #154706
      Tony (admin)

      Happy to announce that the latest version of the Ute Hub app is now available on both major app stores now. The iOS version has been out for a bit but I had some issues with the Android store making me jump through some hoops on this release. I had to make some modifications and clarify some things and they have apparently finally approved it. The mobile app is FREE. I work on it every week, trying to improve and add new features.

      New in this version you’ll see that the home screen is dedicated to Ty Jordan and Aaron Lowe:

      After several months worth of work I’ve also now got the Predict the Score contest working in the app! That’s a big feature addition.

      I also fixed a few bugs and made a few improvements here and there.

      Be sure to install the update to take advantage of all the new features.

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