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Idea for attendance in RES this fall

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    • #143401
      14 22

      Allow full capacity but to get in you have to have proof you’re vaccinated. It would be nice to know the guy screaming behind is vaccinated and unlikely to be spreading Covid.

    • #143402
      13 16

      Papers please.

      No wait, better idea. Yellow felt stars pinned to your shirt if you’re not vaccinated.

      • #143417
        14 15

        Don’t be silly. Businesses and other entities have every right to require masks and/or vaccines.

        • #143418
          8 4

          PRIVATE entities. The University of Utah is a PUBLIC entity and will conform to the law.

          • #143420
            4 16

            It’s a horrible law. Let local leaders decide what’s best for their people. What do you expect from the clown show in the Utah Legislature though?

            • #143421
              6 4

              Utah leaders have decided what’s best for state government entities in UTAH. You disagree I take it.

              • #143446
                2 10

                State legislators should let counties decide what’s best for their people. Some clown from Kanab shouldn’t decide what Salt Lake should do when it comes to Covid.

                • #143449
                  6 1
                  Central Coast Ute

                  Would you say the same standard should apply to the current White House?

                  • #143454
                    1 6

                    Yes, I don’t recall the White House telling local governments they CANNOT require Covid mitigation. That’s what Utah Legislature has done.

                    • #143461
                      Central Coast Ute

                      I don’t recall saying they did. If you really do believe the White House should butt out of our lives, I can respect that.

            • #143422
              13 3

              Instead of letting a bunch of 50 year old dudes sitting on their congressional thrones (with ZERO medical experience or background) telling you what’s best for you, how about you make a big boy move and decide what’s best for yourself

              • #143426
                6 14

                When it comes to things like pademics and how to protect themslves, most people aren’t smart enough or educated enough to know what’s best. Also, their actions impact other people. Much of the pandemic was spread by clowns thinking they were smarter than health experts so they ignored the warnings and held weddings and other indoor large gatherings.

                As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died or experienced serious health issues. A marathon runner in his early 40s in my neighborhood had to get a lung transplant after getting Covid last year.

                Adding to this, there was a lot of misinformation being spread by the likes of Q-Anon and his disciples. Remember when Donald Trump said to drink bleach to treat Covid for God’s sake.

                So yeah, legitimate health experts shoud get the say on how to deal with it. 

                • #143428
                  9 7

                  Weird how Texas’ covid numbers disappeared after dropping all mask mandates statewide right?

                  Also, you could consider me one of those “stoopid conspiracy theorists” because I think I know better then the government and have interacted with thousands of other unvaccinated people over the last year. I have never had a single symptom, my wife tested positive but her only symptom was a loss of smell, and that was after she had hundreds of pulmonary embolisms in her lungs 5 months prior, and neither of us or anyone we have ever been around has died. I must be Will Smith in I Am Legend or something right bro??

    • #143404
      11 3

      You know what’s totally sweet? They televise Ute games now and I’m almost positive you can’t contract Covid by watching them. Nice bonus!

      • #143405
        7 7

        Nice suggestion but nope. I’m going to be at the games. I have seats on the 50 yard line.

    • #143406
      17 12

      How about if you’re afraid of getting covid 19 in an outdoor venue after you’ve already been vaccinated, you stay home and watch the game on TV and don’t try to tell other people to inject experimental and unapproved vaccines into their body?

      • #143407
        10 14

        I’m not telling anyone to inject vaccines into their bodies. I know some in the conspiracy theory crowd doesn’t want it.

        But if you’re going to be in a venue with thousands of people, it’s better for everyone if most/all folks are vaxxed.

        • #143408
          12 9

          I was unaware that it was a conspiracy theory that the Covid vaccine is approved for use as an emergency drug only, and has not met the criteria for full FDA approval. i.e. it’s still experimental. That’s a conspiracy theory? I thought it was fact. /shrug.

          Apparently the down-voters are unaware of the definition of “fact.”

          • #143411
            7 9

            Nothing wrong with emergency approval and full approval is all but guaranteed. Conspiracy theorists can stick with essential oils if they want though.

            • #143424
              9 4

              The vaccines have emergency authorization – not approval. Please stop spreading vaccine misinformation. 

              The experts at the FDA are unable to provide approval because there does not exist enough data on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines yet. That makes those talking the experimental vaccines test subjects. 

              Trying to withhold participation in free society to coerce people into participating in a pharmacy trial is morally reprehensible. 

              You have no facts to refute anything I’ve said so you’ll resort to childish name calling of “conspiracy theorist” and smugness. Everything I’ve said is easily verifiable by reading the FDA label on the vaccines. 

              • #143434

                Welcome back to the discussion.

              • #143453
                5 3

                Pfizer/Biontech submitted their application for full FDA approval on May 7, 2021. You are correct the vaccines only have EUA currently, but rapid progress is being made for full FDA approval in the coming months. Moderna is approximately 1 month behind Pfizer on the same pathway.

                • #143457
                  3 8

                  Thanks for posting good information. It won’t matter much sadly when not if full approval happens. Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists will still spread misinformation and continue to fight science.

                • #143460
                  4 2

                  “Coming months.”

                  I guess 48 more months until full approval is the coming months alright.

                  • #143476
                    1 2

                    May 7th press release from Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: “We look forward to working with the FDA to complete this rolling submission and support their review, with the goal of securing full regulatory approval of the vaccine in the coming months.”

        • #143410
          9 7

          Oh sure…you just want to tell people they can’t show up to watch the team they love and have perhaps been supporting for their entire lives unless they do what you want but you’re not telling anyone what to do, right? 

          I’ve got news for you – you don’t run anything and we’re all going to do whatever we want and there ain’t a thing you can do about it.

          • #143414
            5 11

            Didn’t mean to get you worked up. Relax. I’d just like to see the pandemic come to an end and not get it myself. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

            • #143488

              So get vaxxed and stop worrying about it.

    • #143413

      Well that escalated quickly…

      • #143415
        4 9

        Yeah, it was just a suggestion. Everyone needs to mix a drink. Remember that from the late great 🙂

    • #143419
      9 9

      Not once have I put on a mask in a year. I’ve been around thousands of unvaccinated people in hundreds of stores. How come I have never had symptoms and how come I haven’t died yet?

      If you got vaccinated and you’re still scared about covid, you have a mental illness bro.

      • #143427
        8 8

        Well I REFUSE to participate in that commie plot and wear a seatbelt for me or my 6 kids. We have been around thousands of people in hundreds of cars. How come I’m not dead yet?

        If you wear a seatbelt and still worry about dying in a car crash you have a mental illness bro.

        • #143429
          4 7

          The mental gymnastics you just displayed is both impressive and extremely pathetic all at the same time lol

          • #143432
            4 8

            Duhwayne’s right though. Do you ignore seatbelt laws too CB? Why not igore DUI laws too? CB_Ute: “I don’t need govment telling me I’m too drunk to drive.”

      • #143430
        3 5

        CB_Ute, are you this guy?

    • #143425
      13 5

      Welcome to the board, Dr. Fauci! Two masks and vaccination passport!

      Maybe the stupidest post I’ve seen here.

      • #143439
        7 12

        Fauci is a cool dude. Remember when he used to stand there snickering at White House pressers when Trump would say stupid things like to drink bleach.

    • #143435
      2 1

    • #143459

      I don’t need proof you’re vaccinated FFS.

    • #143463

      I thought I accidentally stumbled upon the comments section on KSL. 🤢

    • #143464

      Just read through this all and I don’t see after all that time and the various facts you each pulled from where either of you changed the other’s mind. Don’t feel bad our country has spent a little over a year participating in the same futile exercise. How about this idea instead? Those people who believe in the vaccines and masks show up at the stadium confident they are protected and those people who believe it’s all a hoax and that they are protected also show up at the stadium. We both cheer for our team, laugh and live while respecting that everybody may not be the same as we are.

      • #143466
        Central Coast Ute

        ^^^ this. I’m fully vaccinated but still wear my mask out. I just can’t get behind the vaccine passport idea because not everyone can get vaccinated. I don’t think those people should be forced to stay home. If you don’t want covid, get vaccinated and as you said, show up on cheer on the Utes knowing you’ll be ok.

        • #143469
          2 4

          Problem is you can still get and potentially spread Covid even after getting vaccinated. While my risk of serious illness is very low being fully vaxxed, I actually care whether I spread it to others like you said to the folks who can’t get the shot like young kids. I know it’s a strange idea in America to actually consider the impact of my actions on others.

          Only way to defeat Covid is for folks working together masking up and getting vaxxed.

      • #143467
        2 1

        If only it were that easy. If you think the progressives trying to force vaccinate everyone wouldn’t say a word to a guy like me at RES with no mask, I don’t know what to tell you

        • #143470
          2 4

          If you really did proceed as normal without masking up or getting the vaccine, you may have had and spread Covid without even realizing it potentially hurting others. What are your thoughts on that?

          • #143479
            2 1

            Bro…… If you’ve been vaccinated, then how the f**k can I spread covid to you?? Don’t worry about me or my health. You’re not my mother. Worry about yourself and your family. That’s it. You are safe because you have been vaxxed. I am not because I am not vaxxed. I am responsible for myself, and I am willing to “take the risk” and go to RES without a mask or vaccine. You will be ok, you cannot get covid now that you are vaxxed. Idk why this is so hard for people like you to understand???

            If I go to RES and spread it to someone and they die, they are the ones that were willing to take the risk of going to a packed stadium and facing any potential consequences. The same goes for if I go to RES and get covid and die. It’s not the fault of whoever spread it to me, it’s my fault for “taking the risk” and sitting and spitting and screaming around 50k people at a football game. You are free to go live in a dictatorial China or Russia or North Korea if you want, but f**k off if you are trying to bring that bulls**t to America.

      • #143468
        2 6

        That’s fine and dandy and a nice thought but problem is the actions and the ignorance of the anti-mask / anti-vaxxer crowd are going to keep this pandemic going for who knows how long. Their actions impact everyone and they are largely responsible for the spread at this point. It’s annoying. I don’t feel like getting Covid.

        So you can’t really go sit around unvaccinated people without taking some pretty serious risks. Too bad we can’t divide up the stadium for the vaccinated and then have the anti-vax / anti-science crowd in their own section. We could incentivize this by giving out free Q-Anon shirts to the anti-vax Ute fans 🙂

        • #143471

          It’s such a beautiful day. Go for a hike. A walk. What a shame and waste of energy to be arguing on the internet for HOURS.

          • #143472
            1 4

            The trails will be too muddy at least for the first part of the day. I’ll do a mtn bike ride later when things dry out. Thanks for the tip though.

          • #143493

            I ended up doing a ride up over Hell’s Canyon by the Capitol and then up past the cell towers before hitting the downhills. It was awesome! What did you do?

        • #143478

          Being a scientist myself, I know the procedures on how to get approvals and /or published. I also know that there has been nowhere near enough time to get those done during this pandemic. Shortcuts were taken, necessarily in my opinion, with the run out of these vaccines. Will that bite us later? Not likely, but who can definitively say?

          The problems we have run into during this pandemic is that people like Fauci acted like he was the end all expert on this subject. He made numerous contradicting comments and flip-floppped all over the place. I believe he should have admitted that he wasn’t sure, and said something like this “This is what I believe is the best direction to take.”. Instead he lost half of us by constantly changing his recommendations.

          No one is sure if the mask mandates worked or not. The data is still out.

          Here’s my suggestion for the games. Fill the stadium. Allow everyone to have the free agency to wear masks or not, to be vaccinated or not, to attend or not. Summit has stated that people may be put at risk, maybe so. However, no one is forcing anyone to attend. We take risks every time we drive, go outside, interact during flu season……

          I hope everyone is allowed to make the choice they believe best suits them and I hope to see everyone who has tickets and wants to be there at the games.

    • #143487

      I can’t wait until covid is over because I’m so sick of both arguments, wear a mask outside or don’t I don’t really care. Just shut up about it.

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