Idea to fix this mess. Multi-year contracts.

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    • #237517

      The NFL is a purer sport than CFB because you can count on players to stay with their teams a lot longer than these college kids.

      I hate the NFL, and I’m feeling like it would be more fun to be a fan of than CFB at this point.

      Why can’t these over-sized children be signed to multi-year deals?

    • #237518
      The Miami Ute

      Once they’re determined to be employees of individual schools, I would think that’s what’s going to happen. It’s absolute, utter bulls**t that you can devote time and resources on a specific player and then have some other school sweep in and scoop the player up at no cost to itself.

      • #237529

        The richest programs are loving this. As long as money is king, the colleges with the most will be the best. We can’t compete with the big names. Never will. If changes aren’t made, I could see schools start to eliminate sports. Especially the football programs. NCAA lost all control when they decided to ignore the call for paying the players. When they lost the law suit, we got the wild, wild west. Is there any proposed controls?

        • #237530

          They should eliminate sports. What is the connection between the academic mission of a university with running a semi-pro football team?

          • #237532
            The Miami Ute

            There is none. College football and basketball have jumped the shark.

        • #237531
          The Miami Ute

          Personally, I think that, in some undetermined future, when athletes are considered school employees, a number of schools will cut the cord with organized athletics. I fully expect that to be the case with the high-end academic schools like Cal, Stanford, Northwestern, Vanderbilt, and many others. What I think will happen is that the academics will revolt at colleges sourcing professional sports minor leagues.

          • #237536
            Rick Walker

            Would not be surprised if lots of the FBS high end academic schools drop a level and do something akin to what the Ivy league schools do.

    • #237528

      I agree, 4 year contract to start! Wait that sounds familiar…

      In all seriousness – model it after the NFL and do away with years of eligibility, it’s the only way to force parity. All new recruits enter a draft. This way they can all stop pretending like their primary goal is education (I know it is for some, but many I feel would drop classes so quick if given the chance).

      • #237543

        That’s more or less what we have now.

        Every year, players can enter the portal/draft and see where they get selected….

        Imagine the NFL, where players can re-enter the draft for the first 4 years of being in the league and see what happens.

        No more waiting our rookie contracts and busts would have their inflated initial salaries leveled real quick.

    • #237571

      the solution is inevitable.

      They need to be classified as employees.

      Then there will little reason or incentive for many schools to participate.

      big $$ will be spun off and Universities will lease their sites to outside interests (sometimes) that will own these semi-pro teams…

      Like the USFL interest will drop as it becomes blurred and a watered down version of the NFL.

      We foggies will all remember the good old days while gen Z watches E-sports on some new version of twitch and we sit around wondering what happened.

    • #237575

      That’s what it eventually will be, but it’s not possible right now because the players have no power or say. The courts will never enforce such contracts (hence why the restrictions on transferring were killed by the courts) because the players are not represented or “fairly compensated”. So the only way for that to happen is that the players will need to collectively bargain it. In order to do that there’ll need to be a players union of sorts. or some representative body that can negotiate on behalf of players.

      Such a structure would now be welcomed by the schools because it would provide a path towards standardization and normalization. Players would essentially be employees and sign contracts to play for a certain number of years. But it’s good and bad for both team and player. If a player ends up hating the school and program, he’s stuck or if he’s really good while playing at Marshall and wants to earn some bag by transferring to Penn State he’d be up a creek. Similarly, a team would get stuck with a player for 4 years. I’m sure they’d build in some accomodation for transferring or cutting players, but whatever deal is agreed to will definitely not be a team friendly as the NFL contract with the union.

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