Utah @  West Virginia

If I were Whitt….

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football If I were Whitt….

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    • #7289

      My speech to the team before the game would be among the lines of this:

      Play as close to the edge as possible. No cheap shots, targeting or taunting, but hit hard and make every hit count. If TDS instigates a fight, only Seniors are allowed to respond,’as they have no eligibility left to risk (on suspensions). Underclassmen may make (feigned) attempts to break any fight up, but may not throw punches or otherwise attack. Got it? Family on three!

    • #7292

      That sounds like the Roscoe game speech. I don’t think any player should ever fight ever. It is childish and shows how weak of an actual man you are. Now in defense of yourself and others I can understand which what BYU and Memphis did in Miami wasn’t that.

      • #7294

        I think you need to re read what I posted because you completely misunderstood it:

        “If TDS instigates a fight, only Seniors are allowed to respond, as they have no eligibility left”

        • #7325

          Nobody should respond to a fight, period. Forget suspensions next year, we’ll have a game to win that day. Don’t need any unnecessary penalty yards or possible ejections.

          Let BYU be shown as a dirty team on national TV if they go that route. Don’t stoop to their level.

    • #7329
      Tony (admin)

      Do what we do. Beat them and go home. Let them be the idiots.

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