Arizona State @  Utah

I’m a NW Ohio EMT

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    • #122997
      9 11

      We had a call for a man who got hit by a bus but by the time we had got there he died of Covid on the spot. It’s Trumps fault, not China, and anyone who disagrees is a Trump loving idiot!

    • #122999

      Your jokes are usually better than this.

    • #123000


    • #123009
      8 3
      Tony (admin)

      Many good jokes are based on reality unfortunately. I’ve heard tha hospitals are receiveing more funding if deaths are covid related.  So if someone drowns but also shows signs of covid, they died of covid acording to the hosptial $$$$. One of many concerns how we are dealing with this. 

      • #123016
        3 1
        Central Coast Ute

        It’s true. If there is anyway they can blame a death on covid, they do. Then they can claim covid deaths and get money for it.

    • #123017
      9 1

      As someone who has worked in the hospitals you are speaking about I can tell you that the deaths associated with this pandemic have been brutal, heartbreaking, and real. I am astonished by some people’s ignorance.

      • #123021
        5 12

        Runhard give them a break. the ignorance comes from fox news and living in areas that have yet to get hit bad by the virus…it’s coming. My wife works in the MI hospital system – this is not the flu, not even close.  Again, it will take a situation that hits close to home to “possibly” change the minds of what is in front of their noses.

        American F’d up in not addressing this in Jan. ( when S. Korea did) because it would hurt trump re election…. now we pay for it deeply. 



        • #123025
          10 5
          Central Coast Ute

          In Jan when he shut down travel from China thiose of your ilk called him a racist. Now you’re saying he didnt do enough. This is why people are fed up with these useful idiot leftists. This why we have a Trump in the White House. Take off the blinders and we might actually get back to some sort of normalcy.

    • #123028

      They think the virus came to NY from Europe. 2.2 million people arrived in the Tristate area from affected European countries after the China ban. I don’t know that we really have a clear sense for when it arrived though. My guess is December and people just were being misdiagnosed until it scaled up. Testing is still way way inadequate.

    • #123036
      6 1

      Hey Pace. What do you mean “it’s coming “ like it isn’t already here ? We have almost 5K cases. Your hate for utah and Mormons aside. A good portion of the population is young, healthy and does not suffer from compromised immune systems. But it is already here. And is very real. We know what and who it affects.

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