I’m sure some will take offense to this…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Other Ute Sports I’m sure some will take offense to this…

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    • #2508

      but do we really need a separate category here? I have no problem with girl’s basketball, and even watch the lady Utes from time to time, but this area ain’t gonna get much action. Sorry, but figured I’d say it, and if you agree, Tony, it could clean up the board a tad.

    • #2512
      Ute Bc

      Coach Lynne Roberts is going to turn this program around! We are going to see a very exciting brand of basketball – so I say lets leave this here!

    • #2516
      UGLI baby

      Throw it in with “other Utes sports”

      • #2519

        That’s my thought. I see we have one person who disagrees, but I’ll be shocked if we see weekly, or even monthly posts on this subject.

    • #2518
      Tony (admin)

      All due respect to women’s sports… The two draws here will obviously be football and men’s basketball. I could easily merge and it wouldn’t bother me.

      • #2522

        I love baseball, but you could even throw those in the other sports category. We’re just not gonna see a ton of traffic in these places.

    • #2520
      Tony (admin)

      OR I could just name the category “basketball” and if a few post about women’s would it be a problem?

    • #2691

      Hmmm, an interesting question.

      On the one hand I think it would be good to have a category for our non-Football/non-Basketball prime sports.

      We’re probably not going to have much traffic for Gymnastics, Skiing, but those are nationally recognized programs. Should we consider a category for them, in case others seek out talk/information?

      Women’s volleyball is marginally a top 25 program. Women’s BB, softball and baseball? Do they have enough of a reputation to merit a category?

      I’m on the fence but think Gymnastics should have its own category even though it is only a hot topic right around meets, and regionals and nationals. Since we have NC in Gymnastics give it a category I say.

      The rest, other sports probably fits fine, if you can search for volleyball, softball, women’s BB and you find it no harm no foul.

    • #2712

      One category “Utah Olympic Sports”

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