Imagine what it must be like to be in the DB room preparing to play Utah

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football Imagine what it must be like to be in the DB room preparing to play Utah

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    • #197911

      I had this thought today as I considered Utah’s current play style. I imagine that the game prep for the CBs and safeties of our PAC-12 rivals goes a bit like this:
      Coach: “Alright everyone, we’re about to watch the film on Utah’s 3 downfield passes.”
      Player: “You mean from last game?”
      Coach: “No, for the season.”
      Player: “So… what are we going to be doing during the game? Playing soft coverage?”
      Coach: “I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Just keep an eye out in case their RB or QB happen to break off a run. Meeting adjourned.”
      All in jest of course, but it is certainly turning in to quite a comedic deficiency. I personally believe Johnson can throw it just fine, but he’d have to be given the greenlight. Here is to hoping we can flip the script this Friday!

    • #197912

      LOL, got a good chuckle from that. Conversely, think what it’s like for the QB and RB rooms. Yikes.

    • #197913

      Funny thing is, you compare NJ’s 4th quarter Baylor drive to the UCLA game, and you see that it is not his abilities that are limiting the offense, but risk aversion and playing to win. Based on that 4th quarter drive and his play against UF, we have a more dangerous offense than indicated by our stats, just not an offense that we flaunt around very often.

      • #197917

        We’re intentionally holding back the playbook until the big games. Like USC. That’ll show them! Once we have a lead, we are unstoppable, so don’t show anything and run the clock out! 🙂 We could score 40 if we wanted, but we just don’t want to ;).

        • #197918

          I wouldn’t go quite that far. Lol. But, there is a significant difference between the play calling in the Baylor game vs. the play calling against UCLA. Seems like the most likely explanation for that difference is that offense had to win against Baylor vs. not lose against UCLA.

    • #197921

      Nice! Coaches spend so much time in practice, games and team rooms with the players. They know the player capabilities, tendencies and personal strengths. If they are calling a conservative game, I personally will not question their reasons. 4-0

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