Utah @  Houston

In Retrospect

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 1 day ago by pedro.
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    • #230106
      3 13

      In Retrospect with a couple of days .. There is an opportunity for some reflections. It’s ugly!!

      1) Rising (Before Knee Injury): Good decision maker. Average+ arm, but able to make plays with his legs.
      Following surgery there should have been a consultation with Rising (and Whitt) and the Surgery Team as to prognosis for full healing, strength and mobility. Whitt WOULD have known (or SHOULD have known) Rising’s ‘abilities’ would have been greatly diminished. Best case scenario: damaged goods. Do the best you can. No guarantees.

      2) For nearly 2 years Ute Nation was told ‘game time’ decision and EXPECTATIONS WERE for a near 100% Rising. This was a complete fabrication and Whitt knew it.

      3) Meanwhile, no capable QB recruiting occurring for 4 years in the QB Room to keep it “stocked”… banking 100% on Rising to pull off a miracle. This was inexcusable foresight.. or lack thereof!

      4) Take Away: Whitt has lost all credibility. Can you believe anything he says now? This is a train wreck! Time to move on!

    • #230107
      3 2

      Well it’s all coming to head .. you can only fire so many OC before addressing the reality

    • #230113
      6 4

      1. “there should have been…”
      – You don’t know if there was or wasn’t. For all we know, Whitt was told Rising would make a full recovery. There are only two people who can say anything about this without speculating: Doctoro Numero Uno, and Whitt.

      2. Again, speculation. you don’t know what Whitt knew and didn’t know. You think you know, but you don’t actually know. Its a good guess, and you may very well be right, but its still a guess.

      3. This one is a tiny bit wrong, but not because of speculation. Wilson was good QB recruiting. Outside of that, you are right, there is actual proof that the QB recruiting has sucked ballsack between Rising and Wilson.

      4. I don’t think him potentially lying about injuries damages his credibility. We already knew he wasn’t going to give information on injuries if he didn’t have to, he’s said essentially that multiple times. So the guy who said he wasn’t going to give information about injuries didn’t give reliable information about injuries. How does that damage his credibility exactly? His credibility when it comes to injury talk was always ZERO.

      Hope you feel better know that you’ve gotten the whining out of your system. If you still don’t feel better, I recommend a power nap. Does wonders for my mood and energy level.

    • #230144
      6 1

      Gotta disagree with you Chinn. No speculation here. It is not a guess. Medical protocols REQUIRE informed consent. Rising knew and I reiterate, Whitt should have known, too…at least if he’s doing his job. Furthermore, “Full Recovery” stated from your post is tantamount to saying 100% recovery. No surgeon will give you that definitive of a prognosis with that type of injury. Malpractice is still a thing.

      Have you ever had a knee, shoulder, elbow etc. done? I’ve had an elbow and rotor cuff. Doc always has pre and post surgery consultations. Expectations, healing, recovery, etc. is always discussed. No one likes surprises. Let me just say, if anyone tells you you’ll be 100% after the knife, run as fast as you can. No such outcome exists. Good results attainable – yes. 100% recovery – no. Remember, for Rising it was tears of the medial patellofemeral ligament, the medial collateral ligament and the anterior crucial ligament, as well as the meniscus. A lot of damage in there, Chinn. Common medical expectations are in the full 2 year healing range as being normal.

      For most Ute fans I think most just want a version of the truth. Dilute it a little if one must. But this continual week in and week out “it’s a game time decision”, “he’s back to his old self (when he’s really not)” was horse manure and insulting, disrespectful and disingenuous to a loyal fanbase. That may be your style. For me, recruit great players, excellent coaches, plan and execute winning game plans, adjust as needed, etc. These are the real elements that win you ball games and championships. Perhaps I’m wrong!

      BTW, I could use a good power nap!

      • #230145

        you are arguing over points I didn’t make.

    • #230160

      W NIL, # 3 isn’t his or anybody else’s fault. We had good QB’s come in. The Correct question is why didn’t they develop

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