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Increase in BYU fan vitriol?

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Increase in BYU fan vitriol?

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    • #183741

      Just curious if any of your interactions with BYU fans has taken a turn for the worse in the past month or so. I’ve seen more online trash thrown by BYU fans wherever I am browsing on social media than I have seen in a long time. Some people I work with that are BYU fans who are normally decent and almost never say anything, have spouted off recently on some anti-Ute tirades. It’s been surprising to me.

      Maybe Utah’s second conference championship win, or some recent recruiting victories have some of them in a worse mood. Or maybe it’s just “par for the course” and I have just noticed more of the same thing recently.

      Utah’s success makes BYU fans angry like no other. With some good recruiting classes recently for Utah, BYU fans better get used to it. Personally, I think they’ll struggle like crazy in the Big XII – but we’ll see.

      Oh, and there’s this little CougarBoard tidbit from the fans who think they can do or say no wrong.

    • #183746

      There’s always been a contingency of BYU fans who are arrogant, self-righteous, holier-than-thou losers. Kind of a trademark of their fanbase. Mixing religion and sports always results in weird fans that think their teams are divinely selected and look down on other fanbases as godless heathens.

      Even on Cougarboard, where that kind of behavior is common, some of their fans get called out for being insufferable. There’s this one dude on Twitter, his name is Jalenooper or something, that verbally accosted a Ute fan at Scheel’s over a tweet. A tweet! 

      The vitriol has definitely ramped up the last two years. It’s to be expected with rivals when one program is successful and the other is not. The back-to-back conference championships combined with Utah lapping them in recruiting has them really fired up.

      It’s mostly online, though. Haven’t had any BYU fans talk s**t to me in real life. Maybe that’s because I only associate with reasonable fans that understand winning 1 out of the last 10 games with doesn’t really give them much to work with. 

    • #183748
      5 4

      I have definitely noticed it. I think a lot of it has to do with them going into the Big 12. You know that stereotype when you win the lottery and you show up to work just to flip everybody off? That is what they feel right now. They are off to their “P5” conference and their conference is incredible (even though Texas and OU are leaving) and the PAC-12 is falling apart (even though it isn’t) and they can go back to looking down their noses at Utah fans. 

      I think Utah winning the PAC-12 didn’t help either. Utah lost to Florida and it ruined their season…but it didn’t. Then they lost to UCLA and their shot at a PAC-12 title was over…then it wasn’t. Then Oregon beat them and Utah sucks and lol at Utah…then they won the PAC-12 title. 

      So, I think there is a lot of pent up anger and frustration there and we are seeing it come out. Also, a lot of BYU fans align with a political party that has somehow started to view being a dick to others as a badge of honor and we are seeing their confidence in “calling people out” rise, which leads to more of these interactions. 

      And I don’t think it will get better. BYU will realize that a P5 schedule is hard, and when they lose a bunch of games next year, they will get nasty. 

      • #183750
        9 9

        I was with you until you brought “political parties” into it. If you think one has a monopoly over the other for being dicks to people, you’re deluded.

        • #183752
          4 5

          Where did I say that only one side has dicks? I never said that. Don’t put words in my mouth. 

          • #183804
            2 1

            a lot of BYU fans align with a political party that has somehow started to view being a dick to others as a badge of honor

            I’m glad you don’t think that democrats view being a dick as a badge of honor, but you’re wrong. Both sides have decided that being dicks to each other is a badge of honor. Damn I’m sick of people injecting politics into every god damn thing.

        • #183753

          Lots of Utah fans with many different political affilications (as well as different belief systems).   As long as they join me in shouting GO UTES! I’m OK with all of them.



        • #183754
          7 2

          Bravo! I thought I was transported back to UFN there for a sec

        • #183783

          He never accused just one party of having flaws he just pointed out one flaw that one of them has. The funny part of comment is that it’s rather unclear about which it is, maybe that’s something to think on. I associate “calling people out” with the left, but it’s pretty undeniable that BYU is an abnormally right leaning university.

    • #183757
      2 2

      Who interacts with BYU fans?

    • #183770

      I mostly see it in online forums.  The only time I really see ybU-p alumni, is when I go to church.  But that said, from what I’ve seen, the “uptick” came when Utah got the call from the Pac-12, and the Big 12 refused to take any of Holmoe’s calls.  For over a decade.  And the more successful we became, the louder they’d gotten.  They’re over on the DNews threads spouting of fantasies about the Pac-12 being the weakest conference — while HALF of that conference is ranked.  Which is twice as many as the number of ranked teams the Big 12 has.  And after the final poll comes out next week, the Big 12 will likely have only 2.  Their “lean plate” of bragging rights over the past dozen years had been the catalyst for their current fact-free diet.  Stupidity is celebrated in their bubble.

    • #183784

      BYU fans have been like this as long as I’ve been a fan tbh. Over on reddit the community has actually turned on them a bit, they used to be just seen as passionate fans but eventually you can’t stop those true colors from showing and boy can they be ugly.

      • #183812

        I’ve noticed some Big12 fanbases on Twitter are starting to notice how annoying and obnoxious BYU fans are. Going to be fun watching that dislike grow through the years. Remember how hated they were in the MWC? It’s inevitable.

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