Incredible Video That Shows Top 20 Athletic Facilities

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    • #206926
      The Miami Ute

      Man, this video is just crazy. Shows the incredible amount of investment that’s required to maintain a top tier athletic program.

      Top 20 College Athletic Facilities

    • #206927
      2008 National Champ

      Navy in the top 20?

      • #206928
        The Miami Ute

        Your tax dollars at work.

      • #207033

        the us government is a pretty big booster

    • #206929

      I’m a grad student at the university of Texas and am interning with the football team. This video is a few years old, but the facilities here in Austin have gotten even better. They have a bubble indoor facility that will get replaced by something similar to the Spence Eccles field house. It’s truly an arms race to have the nicest facilities.

      • #206952
        The Miami Ute

        The video is from last month…at least that’s when it was posted. To your point though, the really interesting thing is that even universities that aren’t football powers have unreal facilities. I wouldn’t want to be an 18 year old and have to decide. It’s almost like do I want to visit Universal Studios, Disneyland, or Disney World.

        • #206966

          Sorry should have clarified. The Texas segment happened a few years but it looks like this channel put all of their onsite interviews mashed into one video. Regardless it’s crazy the amount of money going into these facilities.

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