West Virginia @  Utah

Interesting article on Luke Staley, worth a read.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Misc Interesting article on Luke Staley, worth a read.

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    • #9721

      Paints BYU in a negative light, (which means it’s true.) In brief, the decision to play after numerous injuries was always Luke’s after all the “options” were laid out by the BYU doctor. Luke considered a suit against BYU but fizzled out:

      Staley says he has expressed these views with several BYU officials. A few years ago Staley, through lawyers, notified BYU that he was contemplating a lawsuit. “I met with BYU lawyers in a deposition,” he says. “BYU said they are not responsible. They said Kimball is not an employee of BYU so there is a separation by design.” Staley never filed the suit.

      I have no idea if Luke has a case here or not, but it would be interesting if an attorney came forward and decided to run with this. Being the cynic I am, I figure Luke’s legal council were probably affiliated with the LDS faith and saw this as a conflict so they didn’t go after BYU like a rabid dog.

      It’s an interesting read about sports injuries, long term effects, and apparent poor medical treatment.

      Former BYU running back Luke Staley paying a painful price for gridiron glory

    • #9722

      Well I think there is always two sides to a story. But I believe every university has a lot of problems with handling injuries. Seems the whole of United States is ok with legal drug prescriptions. Max Hall sort of claimed he started his pill addiction at BYU. Many players across the country leave Football with shattered bodies to play the game we love to watch.

      I can honestly say Football in its current state I would counsel my own sons to not play it.  I think form tackling is becoming lost in the game for backbreaking hits.  I actually enjoy Rugby with how they teach tackling.

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