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Interesting recruiting view from a UW writer

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    • #59861
      Ute family
    • #59862
      Tony (admin)

      Read the comments. We have some respect from UW readers.

      • #59863

        What Kyle has done here is remarkable. With Utah’s budget, recruiting footprint, and “other” issues, we should not be as good as we are.

        Kyle has turned us into a perennial top 25 team which is amazing. BUT, to expect to beat out USC with any sort of consistency is crazy.

        Kyle could EASILY finish second to USC every year and ranked and that would be amazing.

        But fans won’t see it that way.

        I worry that when Kyle leaves we will fall and fall hard. Utah’s realistic expectation every year is 6-8 wins and a bowl game.

        Kyle’s expectations are 9+ wins 3 of every 4 years and HOPEFULLY that one magical season that nets us a PAC-12 title and a Rose Bowl.

        • #59865
          3 8

          You say this ad nauseum and I am not arguing you are wrong. I agree but the part that is HOPEFULLY has yet to happen. Most of the fans I have talked to are upset with it not happening because he has consistently screwed the pooch to not let it happen. From Colorado the first year in the league to blowing it against a bad bad Oregon team at home.
          As much as you consistently bring up his strengths I can’t ignore his struggles with putting an offense together. Whitt might be one of the best minds defensively in the nation but that offense thing is a pretty consistent criticism.

          Edit: So I guess what I am saying really is that if Whitt doesn’t get the HOPEFULLY done the next two seasons retire or fire him. Because it isn’t ever happening if it isn’t this year or the next.

          • #59869

            Kyle didn’t screw the pooch those years. Without Kyle, we would have no shot like we did. What he has done with the lack of talent is astounding.

            Also, if we are going to pound on him for the losses, then we need to raise him up for the wins. He beat #5 Stanford. He beat a top 10 UCLA team. The top three wins in program history are all Kyle wins.

            Kyle at USC would be Pete Carroll all over again. He’d go get his Norm Chow, he’d run the defense and with that talent, he’d only lose 1 game a year.

            I’ll take 8+ wins with a WTF loss and being ranked 3 out of 5 years over 6-8 wins and being ranked every once in awhile.

            • #59872

              I am not disagreeing with any of that. Whitt is the best coach in Utah history Urban Meyer be damned. All of it is right there as the most accomplished in program history.

              He is by far the most common factor in the offenses lack of success. I am only denying your almost ironically religious fervor for him and holding out for this HOPE. He did blow it because he is the head coach. USC may never be as s**tty as they have been since the start of the PAC12. As much you know USC aS the standard-bearer, all of that fan base will refuse to even look back fondly on the p12 years.

            • #59883

              While it is sorta chicken or the egg, we put a crazy amount of talent into the NFL before last year. We were being mentioned with power houses like Ohio State and Alabama in the number of guy’s who got picked up by the League. Regardless if Whitt coached them up or not, we had the talent to win the PAC12 South .. if not for Whittinghams coaching demons.  You take the good with the bad, and we are a net plus with Whitt by a long shot. Not that it makes me feel better when we can never produce in the red zone year after year.

              • #59888
                3 1

                “Talent to win the south” is a tough thing to argue against. We did have talent to win the south. But saying that we dropped the ball and gave away the south…that’s hard. 

                The south is soooo good. This isn’t the MWC. Utah will NEVER be talented enough to be expected to win. USC is too good. Our second string players will most likely never even be considered for a scholarship at USC. While our top 22 are as good as anybody, in our first 5 or so years in the PAC-12, our next level of players were all MWC level…most of which didn’t even get looked at by PAC-12 teams. 

                So, if you have an injury or 5, all of the sudden you are playing at a SEVERE disadvantage. 

                At BEST, last year (2017) was the first year we had a full fledged, top to bottom, PAC-12 depth team. And we were SUPER young. SUPER young. And even then, we weren’t PAC-12 depth at QB. We had a QB (Williams) who wasn’t PAC-12 level and another who was really young and our third string was a walk-on. 

                So, in reality, this fall may be the first time we have been PAC-12 depth from top to bottom. QB has an upperclassman who is P5 worthy. It has a 4 star phenom who will hopefully redshirt. And it has a very, very capable backup QB who has redshirted already. We’ve never had that. 

                That is why I don’t jump all over Whitt. He has been playing at a SEVERE talent disadvantage. 

                And yet, all he has done is won. 8, 5, 5, 9, 10, 9, 7 wins. That’s incredible. I’m excited to see what he does with a team that has depth from top to bottom. 

                • #59889

                  2016 they did blow it. Oregon at Utah was blowing it. That was an extremely talented team that absolutely blew it. Seven first half points at home against one of the worst defenses in Football.

                  EDIT: As much as you love the south you also forget Utah lost all games against the North that season. California went up 14-0 with the offense sputtering and the hand off to Moss and Riverboat Kyle being exposed. So much choke that season.

      • #59864

        Love the comments. I wish more fanbases were that way – just respectful in general. 

        It’s nice to see us viewed as a dangerous team from one of the top two teams in the league. I really feel like we can be in the discussion as one of the top three these next couple of seasons – just need to put it all together. 

        • #59879

          Not all UW fansites are as class as that. There is another one that is as 4chan as allbuffs. Good for these guys.

    • #59866

      Utah holds the tiniest advantage but BYU has done slightly better going after the biggest fish. The Cougars have reeled in 3⁄4 of the 4-star players and 4 of the top-6 most highly rated.

      That article upsets me,what a waste of talent. Utah would be a national contender if not for that damned of a turd school down south.

      • #59867
        4 6

        But then they wouldn’t get to play for Jesus.

    • #59868

      As much as you like to mock religious beliefs in other people I find your absurd HOPE in Whittingham even more ridiculous.

      • #59870

        Why else does a 4 or 5 Star kid pick BYU?

        Isn’t one of BYU’s biggest selling points representing their religion and Jesus?

        Is truth mocking something? And if the truth feels like mocking, then how true is it?

        • #59875

          I don’t try to wrap my head around the decisions of adolescents that are not my own children.

          I am just bemoaning that all that talent they have got was wasted. It is frustrating to say the least and really makes me think I am not over this rivalry after all. I am generally indifferent about them as a school and would rather they just dump athletics all together. Holmoe has done a fine job of driving that train to its destined failure.

          I now find it ironic that you mock belief so consistently yet you demonstrate such a fervor of hope in Whitt. It comes off as zealotry to me is all.

      • #59871

        Also, you find my optimism in whitt ridiculous? Huh. What coach could Utah get access to with a better resume than Whitt?

        Undefeated season. Finished #2 in the polls, was awarded national champion by some publications. Best recruiter we’ve ever had. Best wins with multiple top 5 wins. Had us ranked #3 in the middle of the season.

        No one else has done that. Yet, he has.

        Who else could we get that has a resume like that?

        • #59873

          Not denying any of that at all. You are missing the point. It is the HOPEFULLY I am disagreeing with. Proof will come to this hope these next two seasons. He has some of the best talent he has ever had with Taylor hopefully developing the Qb to succeed instead of floundering.

          • #59876

            Sure, he has some great talent. Maybe the best he has ever had. But Washington has the best coach they’ve ever had. USC has more talent than they have ever had in the PAC-12 (remember, they are still recovering from sanctions and last year was the first year they had all their scholarhips since we’ve been in the PAC-12). UCLA has arguably the best coach they’ve ever had. 

            So, what happens if Kyle wins 9 games each year the next two years? What happens if he beats a top 10 team then loses to a bad PAC-12 team later each year? Do we move on from that? Do we toss out all the big wins in hopes of replacing the best coach Utah has ever had? With who? Morgan Scalley? Ha ha. Dan Mullins? LOL. Gary? smh. I love Gary, but he ain’t Whitt.  

            You say my hope in Whitt is more ridiculous than someone playing for BYU believing that they are playing for Jesus. 

            Yet, Whitt has gone undefeated. He has won the Sugar Bowl. He has sent 18 kids to the NFL in one year. He has had Utah ranked #3 mid-season, with half a MWC team.I’d say show me what mormon Jesus has done, but then I remember that he pulled off the biggest con in college football history in 1984. So, got me there I guess. Jesus, scamming since 33AD. 


            • #59877

              Its alright dawg you just a zealot. Not a big deal at all.
              I believe many of your deep hopes and convictions will come to fruition this season.

              Go Utes!

            • #59878

              Football to me is nothing but entertainment. So as far as 2008 goes it is by far the most entertaining thing next to the 98 tourney run for me as a Utah fan.
              So do you remember the criticism of Utah not getting a chance and all that? Many used to say well they are obviously as good as any school. It made for interesting talking point for awhile and even more entertainment. Yet we all felt slighted and people were patting us on our heads for the lack of a SOS. 2008 we wanted a p5 schedule, demanded it! Then we got it and have tried to just get the best record in a P5 schedule failing along the way. Whitt has accomplished many things along the way to I almost view #5 Stanford as his greatest accomplishment now. Even more than Bama in 09.

              His greeatest accomplishment though will be developing Huntley into a P5 QB. Because if that happens it will all fall into place. All of his accomplishments are great but he has more to prove, these two seasons are his best chance other than 2012 to win the South.

              • #59886

                I still think our 2004 and 2008 teams were better than any other in our history. In 2004, I think we may have well been the best team in the nation, and I think we would have had a shot against that SC team. 

                2008 was a team that deserved a shot at the title, it was a rare year where our schedule in the MWC was comparable with many of the other top leagues (becasue several of those leagues were in really down years, especially the Big 10). I think Johnson, by that year, was by far the best QB we have had since Alex Smith. We have had other talented guys come through, but they haven’t developed well. 

                This year, I think we have our biggest defining moment since joining the league. I think anything less than 9 wins is a disappointment. I think we have really good talent and the chance to really emerge over the next 2-3 years. If we don’t we will just be another P12 team for a while.

    • #59908

      @Utah why do you mock religious beliefs so much ? Does it make you feel better about youreslf and your “stance” that you arent religious ? Or you just want make to clear to everyone on the board that you hate the LDS church. We get it man. you Hate the LDS church. None of us like BYU which is obviously the churches flagship school. But many of our fans, players and cocahes are LDS and you obviously dont hate them. If you want to continue to hate do it man that’s your right. I just dont understand why often when I read your posts it’s going off on the State of Utah culture blah blah blah.

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