Is Checketts so poo poo?

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    • #102504
      12 1
      Tony (admin)

      In the two times I’ve ever tuned in to 700 when Checketts was hosting, the guests are all byu people.  

    • #102505
      12 13

      OMG, can we please stop over analyzing Utah media biases? Holy crap, there are three major teams in the state, one is ignored and the other two get all the coverage. They both have solid fan bases. Bringing on Utah folks and BYU folks is smart business and they should hype both and they do. There’s no institutional or personal bias against Utah in the local sports media. I listen to 700 and 1280 quite a bit on TuneIn. Both have pimped Utah and both have tried to prop up BYU somewhat, while recognizing their weaknesses too. It seems that everyother day someone is on here commenting on the media as if it is outrageous that a sports radio program in Utah would actually discuss BYU. It’s time to stop.

      • #102508
        1 5

        You seem very conflicted…. My guess is you jumped aboard the Ute bandwagon when they started beating your zoobs 15 years ago but you still root for bypoo.

        Do you wear a 1/2 zoob 1/2 Ute baseball cap to games?


        • #102585
          1 2

          Born on Utahs campus in 1978, been a die hard fan my whole life. You were so close though! The difference between us though, is that I can be intellectually honest.

      • #102521

        I agree. Most local media respect the U. I don’t thing any of them deny that Utah is better than the Y at this time. Is Greg Wrubell still around? He’s the only homer I can think of that would still be hyping the Y.

      • #102528
        Tony (admin)

        Wow struck a nerve there. 

      • #102606

        You’re right and it makes us seem like perception obsessed BYU fans. 

        On Ute fanboards everyone hates Gordon Monson for being a BYU homer and on Cougarboard they despise him for supporting Utah.  The truth is all the local media try and support all the teams and this makes diehard, colored goggle fans angry.

        And yes they hyped BYU before the game so BYU fans would get excited.  Playing up the next game as “really competative” is what they do as well as the coaches on both sides.  Hell let’s sell tickets.

        The real measure of respect for a program is the National Press who doesn’t have reason to support any “local” teams. (with the exception of ESPN and their contract teams ) By that measure BYU is irrelevant right now and Utah is one of the top dogs.

        People quit whining about local media supporting local teams. Geez (make that a Napoleon Dynamite “Geez”)

    • #102511
      Central Coast Ute

      Yes Spence Checketts is poo poo

      • #102523

        The sad story is his brother, who sold out of RSL before they became profitable, and won the title. My brother is his next door neighbor in NSL. Younger brothers right? They end up in high end neighborhoods by Eaglewood. I mean I really feel sorry for them.

      • #102529
        Tony (admin)

        Thanks for answering the question.


    • #102514


    • #102517

      All the BYU fans say the SLC sports media is biased in favor of Utah.

      All the Utah fans say the SLC sports media is biased in favor of BYU.

      Funny, that.

      • #102525

        A bunch of them are. Doesn’t Dirk Facer write for the DNews nowadays? He was the sports editor of the Daily Utah Chronicle when I was writing there as a feature writer. I was in a fantasy league with the whole sports department which included Loren Jorgenson, Jim Burton, and a couple others who may have written for the big local rags. Facer is a Ute.

    • #102589

      BTW he had Covey on today in the 5 pm hour. I’m not a fan of his name dropping of NBA bigwigs and I don’t give a *^%# about MLS soccer, so I’m not a fan of his for different reasons. And the irony of “The Drive” show title is horrible.

    • #102592

      To answer Tony’s question, in the limited time I have had time to listen he does seem to have way more BYU guests on then any of the previous hosts. I always attributed it to the station saying they’re the home of the Utes so when they talked local college they mostly would talk about the U and then a little bit of the other 2 local schools.

      As far as 1280 during the times I’m in the car I do seem to hear more Y talk then U talk and when they do talk about the U it seems like they feel obligated to tie in the Y for whatever reason but not vice versa.

      However yes as Aloha said they do almost nothing but talk glowingly about the U,however that is not what Tony was asking (and maybe slightly complaining about). It does make good business sense to talk about all 3 big local schools, doesn’t mean as U fans we can’t hope to hear more about the U however.

      Also on a small note I’m pretty sure I’ve heard Checketts mention that his dad and many of his family went to the Y so it also makes sense he would hold a certain amount of emotional support (for lack of a better term) for them.

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