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Is Hill top contender for DC if KW retires and Scalley is named HC?

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    • #228183

      If Scalley is named HC after Whitt retires, would Jay Hill be the top contender for the DC role (assuming he’s still the DC at TSPP)? Would he consider it? What is Scalley’s equation with Hill? If not Hill, who’s your top (realistic) choice?
      Could be a moot point if Hill gets poached away for a HC role after this season, but still..

    • #228184
      8 7
      The Miami Ute

      Jay Hill wants to be an HC again. Jay Hill is not leaving a better BYU program and making a lateral move to a worse Utah program. Jay Hill will only come to Utah if he’s hired as the head coach. Simple as all that.

      • #228212

        that’s a real dumb take.

        • #228220
          The Miami Ute

          You know what’s really dumb, someone saying “that’s a real dumb take” and that’s it.

          • #228261

            Our team might be the worse team this year, but we’re the better overall program still. Is Iowa State a better program than Washington or USC just because they are having 1 better year so far? It takes more than just a few weeks in a season to change the status of program. We still currently out recruit BYU and have better coaches. Having an injury riddled season and a couple bad coaching jobs doesn’t propel BYU to the flagship program in the state lol.

            I don’t disagree with Jay Hill coming to Utah. He would only come if Scalley gets fired and he takes the HC job or we offer him way more money

        • #228267

          and its that kind of weak ass mentality like yours is why Utah and its fanbase are in the losing situation they are in. if I was Jay Hill the only way I’m going back to Utah is as the head coach, nothing else!

    • #228186
      8 1
      Holladay Ute

      I don’t think that’s true Miami. I’m pretty sure he would not hesitate to jump to Utah.
      1) Utah can likely pay him quite a bit more money. Scalley is making $2Mish per year, right? From what I’ve read, Jay Hill makes about $1M.
      2) Even though BYU is having a better year than us (which has been the case like once every 5+ years for the last two decades), it is not even remotely accurate to say they have a better program than us. Except for BYU fans, everybody in the country would hands down agree that Utah is a more prestigious program.
      3) Jay Hill played cornerback for Utah in the late 90s. And he obviously coached for us for 10+ years. He is a Utah man.

      • #228189
        4 2
        The Miami Ute

        1. Would Jay Hill, who’s older than Scalley, and has already been an HC for almost a decade want to work for a first-year HC? Hard to say but I know I wouldn’t.
        2. Scalley has been the Utah DC for nine seasons and his salary has slowly been raised to its current amount. Hard to believe, at least from where I’m standing, that Utah immediately gives his replacement the same exact amount going in. That rarely happens in any sport.
        3. You are what your record and your performance say you are. What have you done for me lately and all that? Both those are trending towards BYU. In addition, and I’m saying this as an original Miami person and fan, but BYU has a bigger national brand than Utah. I hate to say it, but as a kid growing up in the 70s and early 80s, I was plenty familiar with BYU football and knew nothing about Utah. Outside of Utah, when you talk to other football fans, that hasn’t changed much.

        • #228210
          Holladay Ute

          These are fair points. But…
          1) Kalani Sitake isn’t exactly a great HC. He’s been mediocre at best during his entire BYU tenure. And I’d be surprised if the age factor was that important.
          2) I agree, they wouldn’t give him the $2M right away, but I bet it’d be more than the $1M he’s making at BYU. And if they really wanted him, I think they’d make it happen. I am pretty confident Utah will be willing to spend up to find a promising DC. They can’t afford to lose momentum if Whitt steps down. And aren’t they in a great place from a financial standpoint?
          3) Yes, but I don’t think one year (or 6 games haha) is enough. Like I said, they had a great year in 2020. Were they the better program that all recruits, coaching staff, etc. wanted to flip to suddenly? Heck, Utah’s conference didn’t even let them play more than a few games that year. I think it takes much more than a year. You (and other people your age) might remember BYU’s glory days, but recruits these days don’t. And Utah has a lot more it can say about it’s 5 year trajectory than BYU can. I think anybody who’s been following college football closely for the last five years would hands down agree that Utah is a stronger program.

          • #228287

            Byu is not a national brand traveling to Pittsburgh, Tampa Florida, Minnesota, and back east Utah is More recognized than byu. Also I was wearing my interlock U of U hat my new Peruvian wife her the drum and feather. An individual tour guide on the tour around Cusco Peru asked my wife and I if we are Utah fans and from Utah. He said he saw more Utah fans from Utah than any other school from Utah. My wife is peruvian does not speak English yet but she told me walking through the tourist sections of Mira Flores Lima Peru and the center of Lima Peru. She gets a lot of comments from tourists asking her if she is from Utah and she can only say no Lima Peru. Even the Mormon cult missionaries high 5 us and say go Utes when I am in Peru, on business trips to Mexico City, Jadalajara and Argentina

        • #228214

          Do you know what inflation is?

      • #228245

        I down voted you for calling Utah “prestigious”….

        No. Just no. No one considers the Utes “prestigious”

        • #228413
          Holladay Ute

          Every school has a level of prestige. Didn’t you play any of the NCAA video games haha??? I didn’t say Utah is a “prestigious” school. I just said that they’re more prestigious than BYU…which I think is true at this point in time.

          I am surprised that everyone on here is saying BYU has a better program than Utah. A program is built over years and decades. 6 games (or one year or two years) doesn’t do it. If BYU is better than us for the next three years, then I will start to concede that they have a better program.

    • #228194

      Yeah there is no way Hill returns to Utah in a DC role, especially with how good he is doing as the DC at ybu. Utah State has a job opening and he might take that, or he might take another MW level opening. He was good at Weber State and has turned around ybu’s defense. He isn’t going to do another lateral move.

      There is the argument that Scalley shouldn’t have been given the HC in waiting tag. He might be a good HC, but I don’t see why you wouldn’t open it up and have a serious search that included Hill and others.

    • #228195

      I figured it would be Shah.

      • #228201
        The Miami Ute

        That’s exactly who I’m thinking will take over the DC spot if Scalley gets promoted. Good recruiter, proven results as a DB coach, to me all signs point to him.

    • #228203
      Rick Walker

      Whether or not Hill wants it he should be approached. Make him say no if he doesn’t want the job.

      • #228211

        I imagine he’ll be a HC again at a FBS program by the time Whittingham retires and won’t have any interest in being a coordinator again.

        • #228238
          Rick Walker

          You’re probably right, if BYU keeps up their success this year he could be gone before the postseason is over. I guess I was operating under my assumption Whitt would retire this year even though I have nothing to base that off of

    • #228206
      3 2

      Why in the hell would Jay Hill want the DC position at Utah when he’s already the DC at the TDS?! If anything, he would want the Utah HC position, and IMO judging by this season results alone between TDS and Utah, I would think he would be the frontrunner for the Utah HC position, not Scalley.

      • #228213
        The Miami Ute

        Again, just my view, but saying that Jay Hill would be interested in the Utah DC job is totally wishful thinking. The other thing is that even if Hill took the DC job under Scalley, I would label him an immediate flight risk. This is because if he continued to have success, combined with his resume, there’s no chance that some team wouldn’t come poach him to be an HC. In fact, the only reason why Utah has been able to hold onto Scalley is because Whitt anointed him as heir apparent pretty early into his tenure as DC.

        • #228226

          All good coordinators and really all good assistants are flight risks. Jay Hill already left Utah after being a longtime assistant.

          I agree with you that it is highly unlikely he’ll be the DC. He’ll likely be a HC soon and even if he isn’t, he’ll probably see it as a slap in the face that Scalley is the HC over him when Hill has an argument that he is the more proven better coach.

          • #228237
            1 1
            The Miami Ute

            Exactly. I’m guessing that a few people posting here are not cognizant of interpersonal group dynamics. There’s no way that a guy like Hill, who’s obviously higher on the coaching pecking list than Scalley, would come to Utah to work for a rookie head coach.

      • #228216
        1 2

        I agree. It was a dumb decision to make Scalley the coach in waiting. I get him being a serious candidate, but he shouldn’t automatically get the job over Hill or other qualified candidates. As much as I hate ybu, Hill has done great things with their defense and as Assoc. HC. He did a great job at Weber State. At this moment, why should Scalley get the job over him?

        • #228227
          2 1
          The Miami Ute

          There’s no reason that Scalley should get the job over Hill under normal circumstances. You’d think that the school would want to get the best candidate for the job rather than be shackled to a specific person. This especially over such a long period of time.

          • #228269

            stupid people on here think Hill would accept a DC position under Scalley? Gimme a f’n break! Jay Hill would be coming to Utah for one thing and one thing only, to be Utah’s new football head coach. People on here are delusional and why with their kind of weak mentality is why Utah is 4-2 and not 6-0.

            I tell you what, come Nov 9th, will see which team not only has the better defense, but currently the better program. I sure hope its Utah, but if it’s NOT, you’ll know why…

    • #228215

      Colton Swan is the likely contender

      • #228228
        The Miami Ute

        Over Shah you think?

        • #228246

          Based on the lack of too flight DBs since CP3, the play of the corners and Lbs this season,
          Od pass on both Shah and Swan to take over the defense.

          Both groups have not lived up to the hype, especially the LBs.

    • #228217
      1 3

      you guys are short sighted and negative. comparing 6 games to years of success. insane.

      • #228224
        The Miami Ute

        Thanks for your brilliant insights. Noted.

    • #228232

      Jay Hill will be USU HC

      • #228239
        The Miami Ute

        He will be the HC somewhere after this season. Book it. USU is a likely candidate but it wouldn’t surprise me if some other schools come looking for him.

      • #228258
        2008 National Champ

        I think Hill would have to take a pay cut with the USU job. There will be more attractive jobs open this year and Hill will be a candidate at a lot of them. Because he has HC experience, he’s better able to evaluate which jobs are set up for success and which will get him fired in 2 years.

        Vegas could be a good stepping stone job if Odom moves on but Logan feels like a rebuild right now. And if Hill was willing to go be a DC at an SEC/B1G school for a season or two, he could put himself in prime position for a top job without having to rebuild a bad program in between.

        • #228259
          The Miami Ute

          Vegas is a school that was at the top of my list. If Odom ends up winning 9-11 games there this year, some school will definitely hire him away.

          • #228264
            2008 National Champ

            Baylor is also a possible job that will be opening up this year. Not sure they’ll want another defensive guy after Aranda but that’s a place that could be turned around pretty quickly with the right guy and he’d get P4 money.

    • #228295

      Hill should be a top contender for the HC position. IDGAF about Scalley’s “HC-in-waiting” contract.

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