It would be cool if you could roll your mouse over the thumbs-up and see who voted that way and likewise for the thumbs down. Are you tracking the users Tony, or just the up and down votes?
I don’t think so, and I actually like it that way. Eliminates some of the potential animosity, especially when there are “stalkers” who will downvote posts regardless of content and solely based on who the poster is.
I don’t care about the up votes, but I’m usually curious about the down votes. I just wanna know if those who down-vote are in the conversation or if they’re just trollers. I respect the down-votes who engage…. not the trollers.
I figured that the most recent poster that either replies to a thread or gives a thumbs up/thumbs down is the name that shows up in the Recent Posts view as the most recent voice. This explains why you see a particular poster’s name even though they didn’t add a reply to the conversation.