Yes, some day we will lose to that team again. It is their big game. They have nothning to lose at this point and will try everything and anything to get a win. When they do, they will go crazy and that is expected. I remember well how we reacted to the 1988 win against the Cougars. We tore down the goal posts, cut it up and sold pieces as momentos. We went crazy beause we hadn’t won in a decade. I contend we still went crazy until and including 2002. In 2002 when our 5-6 team beat their 4-7 team, we still tried to take down the goal posts. That was pathetic IMO.
We now treat it as an expected victory. But, for the Cougars this is more than just a game.
I would be a very happy man to never lose to them again in my lifetime. But, that’s not likely.