It is suppose to be 95 degrees at game time on Saturday

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Utah Utes Sports Football It is suppose to be 95 degrees at game time on Saturday

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    • #223688

      Both teams have to play in the same weather, but I hate games where it is so crazy hot, especially on Field Turf.

      This stadium is unique because it is laid out east/west instead of the normal north/south. If you are looking back west for the ball, it may be hard to see in a late afternoon game.

    • #223694
      Tony (admin)

      We had guys cramping at USU. This week is going to be harder.

      • #223697
        Jim Vanderhoof

        Get out the pickle juice and mustard. I’d never heard of mustard but a couple weeks ago at my grandson Ute conference game a couple of the boys were cramping and one of the moms had mustard packets. Just when you think you’ve heard it all.

        • #223698
          Tony (admin)

          Pickle juice works.

        • #223779

          The secret ingredient in both is vinegar. Mustard is Vinegar, water, mustard seed, turmeric, and salt. Pickle juice – lots of vinegar and salt.

    • #223696

      I don’t think the East/West orientation should throw off Utah too much, as they’ve played USC at the Coliseum and will know how to handle it.

    • #223726
      Jim Vanderhoof

      The humidity can be a bigger factor. I’ve never been to Stillwater. Is the humidity there high? The Baylor game was similar heat minus the humidity. Depth will play a big role.

    • #223733

      And the humidity. Some clouds may help.

    • #223735

      Where are you seeing 95? The National Weather Service says high “near 90”. There is also a decent chance of a thunderstorm coming south from Kansas overnight which might keep things cloudy/cool through the morning, at least; NWS translates that to a 40% chance of rain during the day. There is a weak cold/stationary front in the area, so if that slips south it might also keep temperatures more moderate.

      • #223744

        @Plains: I’m seeing “near 94” from your NWS link.

        went to another weather site and its forecast calls from a Saturday high of 97:

        Going to be hot in any case.

    • #223756
      Ghost of the HEB

      Silver lining – As we’ve seen here, day games with notable heat will take some energy out of the crowd.

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