It’s not against site rules to comment on politics…

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums Politics It’s not against site rules to comment on politics…

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    • #18767
      Tony (admin)

      We still have a politics category here.   Haven’t deleted it yet!  Just keep it under control and no personal attacks.

      I’m processing what happened yesterday and why.  I don’t associate myself with either party.  I’m kind of anti-politics.  I’m amazed at some of the completely stupid comments I’m reading around the social networks and such.

      One reason for the outcome is I think the American public sending a message to the political class that they want something different.

    • #18771

      I am strongly independent and did not vote for Hillary or Trump.  I could not agree more with your statement.  Now is perhaps a time to throw less insults, and spend more time examining why so many voters feel ignored and marginalized to the point of making this statement.  It was shocking to watch the results last night, and I am sure much more time will be trying to figure out what it all means.  Hopefully we can find a way to begin to address the chasm that seperates so many of us… but I am not sure if Trump is going to be able to do that… it really is going to come down to us as individuals.

    • #18775
      5 1

      This is my safe space. it’s kind of funny, over on the politics board I’m saying some pretty nasty things, but over here, same posters, same icons … no animosity. I love it. I think that board will not survive another 21st day of month.

      Big game Thursday, beat ASU!

    • #18777
      Tacoma Ute

      Yes. The friendly tone of this board is refreshing.

      • #18780
        Tony (admin)

        Yes. The friendly tone of this board is refreshing.

        That’s racist.

    • #18785

      Silver line Clinton lost…..I would have said silver lining Trump lost if Clinton had won.  

      I was actually really suprised by his speech.  It was “classy” even for someone like him.  He behaved somewhat presidential.  I didn’t vote for either candidate because of my morality.  But for my career and family I am pleased Trump won in that regard.  

    • #18793

      And I’m in the opposite boat. This Trump win likely means the end of my current career, as I’m a government contractor working primarily with a couple of agencies Trump said it will either shutter entirely or severely constrict (Dept of Education, Energy, Interior, and IRS). I’ve been there for nearly 15 years, and am not looking forward to finding a new job in my somewhat narrow specialty.

      In retrospect, I should have been more prepared for this eventuality. Guess I (along with many others) got suckered into thinking it wasn’t a realistic probability.

      • #18803

        Thats terrible I know many people were likely to suffer with either candidate. I hope you don’t take my comments as flippant towards your possible troubles. 

        I worry about what regulations Clinton and her cronies would have got hold of in the financial sector. It wasn’t as if any of those CEOs faced any punishment for the mortgage crisis a few years back. Wall Street caused a huge meltdown and people are still suffering.

        The balance of power was also going to be completely undone in the Supreme Court. 

        • #18820

          It takes two to Tango. Yes Wall St played a part in the mortgage problem, but it took a willing borrower to complete that equation. When you take on debt, you do so knowing it must be repaid. It was not Wall Street’s job to ensure that the borrowers did not over pay for the homes which they were buying. We all know what happened when that trade worked against the borrowers: they handed back the keys or whined for a bail out.

          • #18833

            I am talking about the CDOs and mortgage bonds and the fact that the government regulating body had been falsifying their ratings for years. Also the deregulation and allowing people who should never own a home to get absurd amount of debt. If you can’t pay for multiple five year car loans why were they giving you 40 year mortgages on a house you can’t afford??

      • #18804

        I’ve been both a government contractor and government employee. Being on the contracting side sucks, unless it’s a big company with a lot of different contracts or you are in upper management (those guys always make out). That said it will take years to turn the battleship that is the government. Trump has no idea of the monster he is trying to control.

        • #18815

          SO much truth to this. Government is a massive behemoth, and going in and simply lopping off large segments without any sort of detailed plan (not exactly Trump’s strong suit, let’s face it) to offset their functions in the private sector is a recipe for disaster. Very interested to see how that is handled.

          Thanks for the concern, and I’ll be fine…got plenty stashed away to survive for a long time. I’m mostly just disappointed because I’m very passionate about what I do (diversity and civil rights in the public sector) and we’ve made remarkable progress, so the possibility of having to simply scrap those efforts entirely and start over is incredibly depressing. Making some assumptions here, but I just can’t imagine diversity and inclusion is going to be a big priority under a Trump administration.

    • #18795
      Tony (admin)

      Hey @skinyute I WAS a govt contractor too. They decided to terminate my contract, without telling me. I found out luckily in the lunchroom. Found a new gig. Get out!

    • #18816
      Tony (admin)

      The good news @skinyute and I’m sure you know, even if it happens it will take a long time for all the red tape to go through.

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