Arizona State @  Utah

Just a little BYU talk.

Welcome to Ute Hub Forums They So Poo Poo Just a little BYU talk.

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    • #9662

      Recent events really bother me. I knew that BYU was a giant hypocrite.  Why keep that honor code office?  Why does it subvert the teachings of the church. The only people who should know about sins or transgressions are God, ecclesiastical leader of said sinner and the sinner.

      BYU is the modern day form of the Sadducees and Pharisees.  The honor code office seeks to judge those with no authority.  Passing sentence on someone’s future placed in uniquely difficult circumstances without Priesthood keys.  That is where you see the hypocrisy when you can play football you get a slap on the wrist.  Get raped and take drugs well you need to be punished.

      Christ taught forgiveness  the honor code office teaches SUCH SHOULD BE STONED!!  Anyways rant over,  I will never understand those that attend that school.



    • #9663

      Hypothetical for ya. Woman from Mexico attends BYU on a student visa.  She has a job at BYU she has housing at BYU she has a chance for a possible degree. This woman starts to date a male return missionary comes from Provo etc.  Male likes woman but wants to be serious with this female and make out more than the Honor code allows.  Well said male rapes female and says if you tell anyone about what happened I will tell the Honor Code office. You will lose your home, lose your job, lose your chance for a degree and you will lose your visa.

      Honor code office can be used this way and I bet it has already. You only have to look at the student athletes to see how they work the system.

    • #9669

      On a related note, the American Bar Association may pull BYUs accreditation. Very short article, worth a quick read.

      American Bar Association advances religious discrimination investigation on BYU

      This week, the ABA confirmed its decision to advance the case on to its accreditation committee, which will ultimately decide whether or not BYU is in compliance with ABA non-discrimination standards and potentially impose sanctions.

      Based on the lack of hoopla surrounding this (which should be pretty darn big if you ask me) basketball is more important than their college of law. Don’t believe me? Try cancelling a home and home with them.

      These dumb bastards are in jeopardy of losing their law school … crickets.

    • #9670

      I thought stuff like this was the domain of that other board?

      • #9671

        I am outraged over this. I live in Utah so it does bother me that this sort of thing goes on in a 21st century American society.

        Also you forget Utah did schedule BYU in athletics and also has several ties to that university.  They are an instate rival for kids to attend the school and for athletes. It will always be that way. Just think if BYU does abolish the honor code office?  That will change the overall dynamic of recruiting to the universities.

    • #9666

      The deputy released a statement.


      The investigation into the deputy ceased for unknown reason dismissed without prejudice meaning they can refile.


      I know of snitches that inform the Honor code office on students who are booked.  I won’t tell you how I know so don’t ask me because I won’t tell you. I also don’t believe this is the first time the deputy has snitched and I believe POST should investigate him for possible violations.  Most likely he had a department investigation and didn’t lie under Garrity protections.


      Honor code office does more harm than good and should be abolished. Now I am not saying abolish BYU’s honor system but remove the witch trial hunts for rules that should be handled by ecclesiastical leaders.



    • #9667
      Tony (admin)

      I’ve got to be honest. Most of what you guys are talking about doesn’t even sound like the english language to me. And, I guess I missed some local story when I was out of the country.

    • #9668
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